Category Archives: Theatre Group

What day is it

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I almost fainted when I looked at the date today. IT’S THE 22ND OF DECEMBER. WHAT. WHAAAAAAT. Does this mean that time didn’t stop during the two crazy panto weeks? That it just kept going and now it’s three days until Christmas and I just CAN’T GET MY HEAD AROUND IT??

This may be a shock for you guys, but I am TIRED. And also sick! Can you believe that? I’m just as surprised as you are! It’s almost like I’ve spent the last three weeks being run off my feet or something. So yeah, needless to say, things have been a bit mad. BARRELS OF FUN, but also mad.

Christmas panto came together very nicely, if I do say so myself! The highlight was meeting the kids after each show, they were all so excited to talk to us, and it was great staying in character and watching their little faces light up. I’m glad every performance was filmed, there was a very distinct dynamic to each show which was fun to bounce off, shout-out to the kids on Sunday who were BRUTAL in their heckling. The after party was probably the weirdest afters of all time, we all just stayed in the theatre and watched Community, played charades and ate junk food. There was then a Hercules vs. Space Jam epic showdown which resulted in us improvising a 17 minute long Space Hercules musical extravaganza. I have no idea where we found the energy, but MAGIC WAS MADE.

Sexiest bunch of people ever assembled.

Sunday after the show, the Macris hit Carols by Candlelight like the bosses we are. We had raided our IGA for the fanciest antipasto we could get our hands on and feasted like kings! Nicola and I rewrote a good number of carols to be about pantees, and even reworked a Jesus rock song to be about how great science is. We had salvaged 3D glasses from the royal show and whipped them out for the fireworks finale which was AMAZING. All five of us spent the whole time shrieking and whooping and generally sounding like loons, while the surrounding families probably thought we had never seen the outside before.

And then I caught a cold because Kiara was sick and doesn’t understand the importance of tissue hygiene and washing her hands, so now I hate her forever and ever, because I am a perfectly rational person. I have since spent the week mouth breathing and despising life.

Wednesday I went to see Herb, because I LOVE getting inevitably bad results and paying medical bills! He hit me with a plethora of terrible as usual; and at one point he looked over at me because I had my head in my hands, and was just silently laughing (maniacally) and he joined in because it’s SO RIDICULOUS. So I got to send off a few hundred bucks for new adrenal meds to hopefully kickstart my body into gear for the new year. LET’S DO THIS 2012, DON’T LET ME DOWN. Unfortunately I’m out of hormones and I can’t get my higher dosage until Wednesday so Christmas is going to be a little difficult. I’m banking on my EXTREME LOVE of Christmas to distract me from my shit.

Last night I dragged by pathetic self out to Kings Park with my PEEPS to watch Drive at the outdoor cinema. We dined elegantly on Grill’d burgers, cheap champagne and mint bubbly chocolate, before digging into Kat’s birthday cake with absolutely no regard for neatness. Cutting cake into pieces is for LOSERS, we were all about just going to town with our spoons. Oh, and the movie was pretty random; great cast, weird font.

Everyone at work had the same idea and now the kitchen is full of fancy boxed chocolates. NOT EVEN COMPLAINING! Feeling happy about life, despite the fact that I can’t breathe through my nose. Because I have some pretty great people around and that makes everything okay.

THESE GUYS. Amirite?


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Shit is going to be magical. OR IS IT.

People are probably going to be upset but WHATEVER I GOT THE PART I WANTED.


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GTT: Editing

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I spent the better part of today editing and uploading a crapload of panto footage, and we’re a pretty humorous bunch I must say! I’m including this video because being on the writing team was such a great experience, I really enjoyed seeing my beloved scene four evolve from writers’ meeting discussions to the stage. When the sound effects and everything were added at the tech run, I was beside myself with glee. Looking forward to getting stuck into the next one!

I Wanna Be A Super Model – Conquering My Weight

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Hi everyone.

Today I logged into Facebook and found that a friend had posted and tagged photos of me from the recent show that our theater group did. Whose brilliant idea was photo uploading and tagging? Seriously, anyone can snap a gross photo of you and then tag it on the internet for the world to see?! What hellish nightmare have we stepped into people?!

Anyway, I couldn’t believe how bad I looked. I’m not saying I looked bad for sympathy or because I have low self esteem. I am very overweight now. I’ve been told it’s due to my tumour and the craziness of my hormones, but I refuse to believe that any more. I am going to find a way to be a healthy weight.

Contrary to the title of this series of posts, I do not want to be a Super Model. Fashion doesn’t really interest me. What I do want to be is a healthy weight. And can you blame a girl for wanting a body which is (to quote Sit Mix-a-lot) “kickin'”?

At the start of this week I wrote in my planner how many days I had to get to a healthy weight before the next Cosplay convention I will be attending. Counting backwards from the convention I got 66 days (which today makes 61 days to go). I want to log my weight conquering for at least the next 61 days. Putting it here might help. I probably won’t put my weight but I will tell you what I lose in kilos and cms. I’ll also post most days about various challenges I’ve faced with it or things I feel I’ve done well.

~ Lois

Me Three

Hello,  pleasant blog!

I’m Nicola, a friend of Lois and Emily.  I’m one of those usually outwardly-confident but inwardly-beating-myself-up types. Right now I like my sense of humour and occasionally my face (when it’s amusing) but not too much else about myself. That needs to change, and this can’t hurt!

Here’s something that’s been making me very happy recently:

During rehearsal for the last show put on by the university theatre society that Lois mentioned in her intro. This was taken at the end of the ridiculous and hilarious musical number that I played a big part in writing and choreographing. I was co-director of the show and that’s me in the blue in the bottom right corner, watching my cast at work. This photo means fun, laughter, pride, and people who I’m only ever about 10% insecure around (which is close to as low as it gets).

Here’s to more of that feeling.
