Category Archives: Boys Boys Boys

GTT: Heeeeere’s Lois!

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Hi all!

I’ve been doing lotsa stuff … mostly the stuff that Nicola and Aly post about though.

I came out.

I guess as pansexual? I dunno. I like ladies and men.

So there’s that.

~ Lois

In defense of being a bitchface.

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Print by Kris Atomic

So I feel as though I should apologise for the post on Tuesday, because the blog is meant to be happy and uplifting and self-love-y. But really, it was doing my head in. I read lots of blogs. I have no problem when they keep gushing about their kids, when there’s links over every mention of “prayer”, “faith” or “church”, when someone says they would be totally effing lost without their boyfriend/husband/partner, whatever, its your personal blog. I’m not going to judge you for putting your personal opinions out there. But when people suddenly start talking about how they’re in love and that somehow makes them better than everyone else? Um, I don’t even have enough expletives for how I feel, and I have a gigantic potty mouth. Its a really horrifying trend, and the fact that it is a trend probably exacerbated my anger. What if these people break up with their partners, will they write a post about how being single makes them inferior to everyone else? I’m not trying to say don’t be happy or don’t write blog posts about your life, but do it in a more sensitive way that isn’t saying some arbitrary thing that happened by chance is making you better than everyone else who hasn’t had it happen to them yet. It would be equally ridiculous for me to say “Having naturally brown hair makes me superior to everyone else”, because nobody got to pick that either.

Now, lets all take a second and think about how much angrier this post would be if I was a bitter single person.

Carry on.

GTT: Gettin’ Mah Shit Togetha.

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This is exactly how I need to think about boys. I get so miserable about this stuff and that’s bad and stupid.

Also I’m sorry I ignored you AYoSL! I had a busy exciting weekend doing things and sorting stuff out and I needed a bit of head space. I’m back now, I’ll keep posting things.

I did mah piano practice and I’m continuing with it. Making my way through ‘A Whole New World’ from Aladdin!

~ Lois




A word of caution

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If you are going to write a blog post on how being in love makes you superior to the rest of the world, just don’t. Ever. I will throw my computer at your damn smug face.


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I want to live in The Boat That Rocked. This is how I feel about not being able to.


GTT: Obsessing

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Yeah, really not over this yet.

Today I watched all 16 episodes of the show that trace the entirety of their relationship. Including the final one about a dozen times.

I guess this level of emotional attachment is unhealthy or whatever but bitches can step off, this is magic.


Re: our tagline

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Nah, that’s gay.

To New Beginnings

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So you’ve stumbled across my blog and you’re wondering what it’s about. Hi, I’m Lois and I’ll be spending a year trying to figure out how to feel better about myself and my life.

I’m a twenty-one year old Australian currently studying a Bachelor of Music Education. I live with my parents and throw myself into a bunch of hobbies, mainly acting and working behind the scenes for a theatre society at the university I attend.

It may seem quite indulgent to write a blog about the ways in which I’m learning to be okay with love myself. Maybe it is, but I think it’s something I need to do. I’ve set it as a year-long project because I know these things take time and I want to give myself the best possible shot.

My reasons for taking on this project are these;

I have never had good self-esteem and I want to change this about myself. Everyone deserves to feel good about the person they are and I think it’s good to have a place to focus your thoughts.

– In June of last year I was diagnosed with a pituitary adinoma, which is a benign brain tumour. Since then I’ve been constantly sick from the medication I have to take and have had other health complications stemming from the initial problem. I’ve developed depression because I’ve struggled to cope with the enormity of what’s happened in my life and sometimes I feel like there’s nothing good happening for me. I need to remind myself of the good in my life.

– I ended a long-term relationship in November of last year and since then I have not coped well with being single. As cheesy as it is, I think I need to love myself before I can love someone else or let them love me.

I am going to post every day for a year about things which have made me happy that day, or should have made me happy or which could be considered an achievement, however small. I’ll post links to things I think are funny, photos of my friends which make me smile (with their permission of course!) and any little anecdotes I want to share with the world. It will be a jumble of things but it will be happy. I may even attempt to be humorous, so watch out for that!

~ Lois