Monthly Archives: April 2012


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Excuse me but I have waited six years to be able to do this so JUST DEAL WITH ME FANGIRLING FOR A MOMENT.

But honestly he makes the funniest singing faces. Also his hair is so BIG.


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I have started going for runs and now I feel like I can do anything, except run more than 200m at a time.

Frittatas are an excellent breakfast food, as long as they are not too eggy. They also take about an hour to make so luckily I made one for a leisurely brunch yesterday and saved half for my breakfast today, because Monday and Friday mornings I have to be out the door at 7:15 and that does not make for a nice amount of time to cook breakfast. I am hungry now so I cooked up some potato and onion to make a frittata with tomorrow morning, because I suspect I will have to get up early to go for a run and then I will be starved when I get home. But I also ate some of the fried potato because um, delicious.

Podcasts are possibly going to drastically cut down my internet usage time, because today I wanted to listen to some but I couldn’t read blogs/browse the internet AND listen, so I got up and did some cleaning. Guys. I dusted.

I have super nice friends, some highlights this week have included a ridiculous Les Mis facebook thread and a nice pep talk and being the old guys from the muppets and everyone just generally being pretty lovely so GOOD JOB TEAM, I guess my ego can recover now.

I have a ton of gifs in my bookmarks list with no classification system so here is the first bookmark gif I clicked, for your enjoyment, right now. Possibly unrelated.


Adorably unrelated.