Monthly Archives: May 2011

Dress Ups Day 2: Trenchcoat

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I wore my red trench today with my blue nails and my yellow umbrella. It looks almost indecent with a dress and tights, but it made me pleased.

As did texting James on a whim, discovering he was awake (!) and talking to him for two hours. Good times. Delighful, even.

Felt a bit bad about my face today because I only wore mascara. Don’t know if I should feel blergh without makeup on, that seems boring.

Weekly Challenge: More like NO-colate!

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I like that we do things other than the GTTs here. So I’m jumping on the challenge wagon.

Whilst my eating habits have been vastly improved of late, I still have the grand weakness of chocolate which I have thus far completely failed to kick my addiction to. In an effort to quit sabotaging this whole fitness thing I’m otherwise working so hard at, and to avoid becoming a dumb female stereotype, I’m STRICTLY LIMITING my chocolate intake this week. A piece of dark chocolate every couple of days is allowed, of course, as it has antioxidants and if you don’t have antioxidants you will die, right?


Dress Ups Day 1: Nail Polish

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Nail Polish makes everything better. Its like, you have a hot drink? SOPHISTOCATED! you’re typing? PRETTY! you’re reading a Salinger book that isnt Catcher? INDIE AS FUCK!

To be fair, I am not still enough for nail polish, I smudged it within five minutes, but WHATEVER. Its a nice blue colour and I got complimented on it, if you take “Them’s some blue nails” as a compliment. Which I do. OBVZ.

Was not as keen on the makeup, I keep rubbing my eyes and smudging my eyeliner.

Also kept changing outfits to make sure I felt pretty enough in it.

Verdict: Going well.

Weekly Challenge: Piano

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Since Emily is doing the weekly challenge thing and I think that’s a GREAT IDEA I’m going to do it too.

This week, practicing piano every day.

Then if I meet Darren he will love me.

~ Lois

GTLTDAT*: So touched

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*Good things the last two days and today. Der.

I’ve been feeling really down about uni and things and I’ve been a bit distracted so I missed posting for the first time since starting the blog. My bad.

Today a letter arrived for me and in it was a note from a friend of mine who lives in Queensland and runs a board I’m a big part of. It said that she and the other crucial members (also Eastern Staters) were thinking of me and inside the envelope was a token of their love and appreciation. It’s a ring which says Inspiration on it.

I haven’t cried so much in a long time. I am so touched. Even though I haven’t met a few of them they have opened their group and welcomed me in just like I was there in the room with them. I just can’t get over how much they care about me and each other.

Edit: I didn’t say, all the rest of them have the same ring. We have matching rings we’re like super friends or something ❤

Here, have this gif.

~ Lois

GTT: High fiving a million angels

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I got to work today and promptly cut my thumb open on my leftover Indian container, then I spent ages looking for the first aid kit which was right infront of my face and there weren’t even any bandaids in it anyway.

But then I got a promotion soooooo.

GTT: Have You Picked Up On The Fact That It Rained Today, Yet?

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I’m not the biggest fan of rain. Perth’s weather is basically ideal for me and I love blue skies and sunshine and prefer to swelter than to shiver. I do not understand people whose favourite weather is grey skies and drizzly rain.

But I don’t think rain’s all that bad, and here are some things I like about it:
-When it is pouring and windy and ridiculous and you don’t have an option but to be in it, and you’re either sans umbrella or you have an umbrella that can’t withstand the wind and your whole situation is just comically miserable. Because it’s comical.

-Complaining with other people about having gotten wet.

-Hot beverages (provided they don’t hurt my tongue)

-Loud storms outside when you’re in bed (and warm).

-When it rains pretty heavily for a little while but the clouds part and you get blue skies and sun for the rest of the day, because it makes me appreciate the latter more.

-When the universe has somehow conspired to ensure that, although you have to be outside a number of times in a day, it will only be raining when you are sheltered.

The last three applied today(/last night), and it was lovely. It was sprinkling a little as I waited for the bus to uni, but I was under cover. Then, once I was on the bus, it started pouring, but stopped by the time I got to uni. On my walk home from the bus stop, it was lovely and clear until it started sprinkling just as I reached my front lawn, then rained when I got inside. Noice.

I also had my final Italian test today, and feel no remorse for all my class-missing this semester 😛 Era facile.

And I haven’t eaten chocolate today.





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This clip, from about 0:40, made me cry with laughter the first time I watched it, and I actually said “How heavy’s this rain?” today. SO AUSTRALIAN.

GTT: Rainstorm!

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It’s raining and I’m in bed with a heatpack and it just makes me SO HAPPY. I even went outside for a minute because the rain smells so nice on the grass. Winter is the BEST.

Today I CLEANED MY ROOM. Can I get a HELL YEAH! Seriously, you should have seen it, one more week in my own filth and I probably would have died. So now I have a floor and a bathroom which is no longer crawling with my hair on every conceivable surface (it’ll take like two more showers before I molt all over it again, because I’m secretly Teen Wolf, but what can you do). Then I hung out with family at Nonna’s before heading off for Indian at Mela in Northbridge. It was delicious, I got everyone hooked on mango lassis and then we all became addicted to these little cake (gluten free!) things. They are SO GOOD, but my tummy isn’t reacting well to something and I bet it’s those. SO DELICIOUS THOUGH.

Gonna curl up under my doona and watch Doctor Who now. WIN.

Weekly Challenge: dress ups

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to counteract all of the feeling shit ive been doing, I’m going to force myself to dress nicely and wear jewellery and other such girly things all week to see if it makes me feel better. Jsyk.