Category Archives: Favourite Things

Happy things

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This is my favourite picture of me and Lois, ever, I think it pretty much encapsulates our whole friendship. Me looking really pleased about something she has said/done.


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Excuse me but I have waited six years to be able to do this so JUST DEAL WITH ME FANGIRLING FOR A MOMENT.

But honestly he makes the funniest singing faces. Also his hair is so BIG.


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I have started going for runs and now I feel like I can do anything, except run more than 200m at a time.

Frittatas are an excellent breakfast food, as long as they are not too eggy. They also take about an hour to make so luckily I made one for a leisurely brunch yesterday and saved half for my breakfast today, because Monday and Friday mornings I have to be out the door at 7:15 and that does not make for a nice amount of time to cook breakfast. I am hungry now so I cooked up some potato and onion to make a frittata with tomorrow morning, because I suspect I will have to get up early to go for a run and then I will be starved when I get home. But I also ate some of the fried potato because um, delicious.

Podcasts are possibly going to drastically cut down my internet usage time, because today I wanted to listen to some but I couldn’t read blogs/browse the internet AND listen, so I got up and did some cleaning. Guys. I dusted.

I have super nice friends, some highlights this week have included a ridiculous Les Mis facebook thread and a nice pep talk and being the old guys from the muppets and everyone just generally being pretty lovely so GOOD JOB TEAM, I guess my ego can recover now.

I have a ton of gifs in my bookmarks list with no classification system so here is the first bookmark gif I clicked, for your enjoyment, right now. Possibly unrelated.


Adorably unrelated.

Boop be dooo

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So my last post was super depressing because I was stressed about the uni/volleyball/panto thing but I PREVAILED and managed to eat a little bit of pizza that day, so that was alright. THESE ARE SOME TINY VICTORIES:

Yesterday on the bus I was like “Goddamn, I want some salami and cheese” and when I got to Levi’s house and told Chris that he was like “Oh I have some Hungarian salami you can have” so TEN POINTS FOR BEING A GOOD FRIEND, CHRIS.

Then he said there was stir fry for dinner and I went AWWW YEAH STIR FRY, I LOVE STIR FRY and it was a good day.

This is my background for my computer and it is very motivating


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I successfully purchased groceries today! No tea though. I’m not made of money.

Where have I beeeeen?

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Away, basically. Christmas was super, I spent Christmas eve at Tara’s eating McDonalds and watching Matlida and Muppet Christmas Carol, and we had Christmas at my uncle’s place, then Boxing Day I saw some more family members and went home to see Levi’s family and they have a POOL which was a godsend. Then Mama and Dad came home and we relaxed and ate lots of food and I got a huge rash on my arm which made Mum go “Lol you haven’t had one of those since you worked at Baker’s Delight, you must have an allergy to bread” and I was like I HATE YOU. But its not *awful* so I will obviously not be giving up bread/wheat (also I hardly ever eat bread so idgaf).


Anyway I had a 21st on NYE, which is why I missed the festivities everyone else was at, and that morning Mum asked what I was going to wear (it was cocktail dress) and I told her (that blue dress with the flowers I wore to panto one day, if anyone is interested/remembers) and she was all GET IN THE CAR QUICK QUICK WE HAVE TO BUY YOU A NEW DRESS BEFORE I LEAVE (to Perth for a wedding). Soooo I got a new dress and its gorgeous. The 21st was superfun, there was a bunch of us from high school who had a grand time drinking alcoholic slushies and dancing and watching fireworks at 11:30. I had a huge sleep then came back home and spent yesterday playing Zelda and being excellent.


This is my dancing face.

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So then I made a really boss cake

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I am pretty prepared for exams. I am making Levi a birthday cake and its gonna be AWESOME. I am also making pasta for dinner if anyone is interested. I AM SO EXCITED TO GIVE PRESENTS OMG I’VE BEEN HOLDING THE SECRETS FOR TOO LONG.

The Boss.

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I regret many things about my relationship with Jaxon, but the main one is that I let him talk me into getting rid of my Born in the USA shirt.


I don’t care how many times I have to say it, true happiness is driving around with the windows down in the sunlight playing Born to Run at full volume. Don’t even talk to me about Born to Run and Born in the USA being different albums, thats not the point.

As an aside, I got an HD on the whiteness essay I was stressing about, so thats great; work is really (surprisingly) excellent at the moment, and I might be getting another kitchen staff job, which excites me because its been long enough that I have rose-tinted all memories of being an apprentice chef.

GUYS. I WAS AN APPRENTICE CHEF. That is another post for another day, along with me being a champion sports star.


Ash is great. She’s so lovely and her hair is super bright and she’s got a wonderful face and Ash Ash Ash Ash Ash.