Monthly Archives: March 2012

GTTD: Groove

Hey kids. Where are we. DOT POINT RECAP GTs

-My birthday was delightful.

-I bought $199 headphones and they are beautiful and LIFE CHANGING TBH

-I bought a stylus and I like that too

-Still loving uni. I’ve now done one assignment in each of my three units. Got 90% on the one for the first year unit, awww yeah. Considerably less confident about the other two but they’re not worth much and I will learn from them, so good.

-Panto is fun. I like my role and scene and scene partners.

-How great was The Hunger Games? Really enjoyed. Will read books eventually. Eventuallyyyy.

-Community is back!

-Mad Men is back!

-The Big C is back!

-New Girl was frickin hilarious yesterday

I’ve bailed on three stand up spots in a row due to unpreparedness/lack of confidence. So that means I haven’t been on stage since my lukewarm reception at the RAW wild card, which is unfortunate because it’s not the best reference point. I’ve decided I can’t commit myself to uni, Panto and stand up at the same time, and the first two are my priorities, so stand up is on haitus for a bit. Still taking notes for material. Stay tuned 🙂


GTTW: Things

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Hey bladies! So I’ve been doing things, and am tired from doing the things rather than just being tired because I’m tired, so that’s fun! Mixing it up a bit, keeping it interesting.

THINGS have mainly been PANTO THINGS. Many of the things! How do I form sentences. The universe is definitely conspiring to break apart the amazing dream team that is Kira and I BUT IT SHALL NOT WIN. We will prevail, cursed Wednesdays be damned! The musical numbers have been coming along a lot better than I thought they would which is SUPER GREAT. Then I remind myself that I’m only halfway through choreographing and I panic a little. When in doubt, shipoopi dance. Life lesson there you guys.

In other news, not much! Nicola’s birthday happened and it was lovely. We feasted like kings (liqeuer coffeeee) with the family, hung out with our fronds playing boardgames and watching Community, and I spent that whole weekend in a perpetual state of “Am I tipsy or just exhausted?” Let’s call the whole thing off. We also hit up the gluten free expo and I bought ALL OF THE BREAD.

We went to see ~THE HUNGER GAMES~ at midnight on Wednesday and it was GREAT. Very impressive adaptation, the tone of the film really sold it for me. Also I cried like three times, which I didn’t expect to at all, especially considering I was all prepared to weep through Deathly Hallows Part 2 and I didn’t shed a single tear because I have a HEART OF STEEL. They showed The Avengers trailer, which Sally and I hyperventilated all the way through OH GOD FOUR WEEKS UNTIL WE GET TO SEE IT AURGH.

Other than that, just panto and work. And working on panto stuff. And doing panto stuff at work. And not sleeping.

What day is it

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Boop be dooo

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So my last post was super depressing because I was stressed about the uni/volleyball/panto thing but I PREVAILED and managed to eat a little bit of pizza that day, so that was alright. THESE ARE SOME TINY VICTORIES:

Yesterday on the bus I was like “Goddamn, I want some salami and cheese” and when I got to Levi’s house and told Chris that he was like “Oh I have some Hungarian salami you can have” so TEN POINTS FOR BEING A GOOD FRIEND, CHRIS.

Then he said there was stir fry for dinner and I went AWWW YEAH STIR FRY, I LOVE STIR FRY and it was a good day.

This is my background for my computer and it is very motivating


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~ Lois

What day is it and how did I get here?

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In this image the old man is me and the bird is the stress I am feeling at the moment.

~ Lois

GTL: Lyyyfe

Hello the Blady Bunch!

I like Linguistics and I am good at it and I like doing my readings for it and I have checked the Grammatical Theory book out of the reserve collection in the Library about a hundred times. Damn 2-hour loans. I spent 7.5 hours total being scholarly at uni today, including attending two tutes, listening to a lecture, studying/preparing for one of those tutes, and doing readings. I also caught up with that one non-Panto friend I have, and brought my own lunch from home. AND my first class was at 9 so that means I left the house at 7:30 before doing all these things. I KNOW. I astound me too.

Cougar Town is almost finished downloading and I have EARNED THE RIGHT TO WATCH IT. For once.

Birthday is in two days. Tomorrow I will make my cake/s. Then on the day Mum and Dad are taking me out for breakfast, and then I have work 11-5:30 (and my manager said today that she would organise a cake :3), and then the fam is going out for dinner. RESTAURANTS FOR BREAKFAST AND DINNER AND CAKE FOR LUNCH. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME. Then Saturday I am working and then having a low-key partay + sleepover, and Sunday morning going to LOOK AT SHARKS YAASSSSSS and fish also and then going to Nonna’s where there shall be another cake. It’s not your traditional 21st celebrations but I’m really excited. Especially because it’s sort of a three-day affair. Also because I love everybody.

I have been considering buying expensive new headphones so I can comfortably listen to lectures on public transport/in the library/because I want new headphones, but hesitating about it like I always do about purchases, but then today I accidentally knocked my iPad off a bench, and my crappy iPhone headphones were jacked into it, and somehow the way it fell, the cords and the jack just snapped right apart. So. I need to buy new headphones now. Also my watch stopped today so I’ll be on the lookout for another. I like buying watches.


❤ N

GTATM: Uni is gr8

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Uni is still good. I feel all smart and shit. My application to graduate from my previous degree arrived and I filled it out, so Imma gonna gradumacate in Spring. :3

My week (9 days) of front of house duties starts tomorrow, and I’m pretty excited. I get to work two shows in a week! Best! (Though one of them is Xanadu …)

I .. I just .. I can’t.

So things are good!

~ Lois

GTTW: You make my dreams come true

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I was planning on being productive yesterday, but instead I accidentally made this. Could be worse.

In other news, this week has been BUSY. Hicaps update: it sucks and we all hate it so it’s just been unplugged since Tuesday. WE AVOID OUR PROBLEMS OKAY, DON’T TELL ME WHAT TO DO. Last Wednesday I had to get out of bed for a work meeting (where my boss did a spot-on impression of my hicaps meltdown from the day before and everyone laughed and it was hilarious and sad) and then ran some ERRANDS. Gemma magically had the day off too so we frolicked and drank coffee and spent money without even realising it because we’re both filthy shopping enablers. Rehearsals have been going swimmingly, we start musical stuff this week so I’ve been watching a lot of amateur Sound of Music productions to PREPARE. And make our show WAY BETTER.

This weekend I was supposed to do productive panto things, but instead found myself at Whitfords again with Mum (in my defence, I actually had important things to do) and, in a strange example of logic, bought myself a ring to remind myself not to buy any more things until our trip. YEAH THAT MAKES SENSE ALYSHA YOU WEIRDO. I have a problem. And then I went and bought a Save the Whales shirt anyway because I can’t follow my own rules and also I’m the kind of douchebag who wears Save the Whales shirts. What is my life.

Here is a gif of Sherlock feeling some feels because I keep losing hours of my day at a time and I think tumblr might be eating them. Someone should alert the authorities immediately.

This guy.

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