Monthly Archives: August 2011

GTTAY: Bracing Myself

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Soooo I’m working 5 days a week, 2 weeks in a row, with 4 rehearsals a week and full on weekends, FOLLOWED BY PRODUCTION WEEK AND THEN THREE SHOWS.
I am concerned by this. Trying not to panic. Will not get sick. Will not get sick. Normal people do this all the time, right? It’s gonna be fine, stop worrying. I can sleep when I’m dead. Or right now, on my keyboard. Seriously I could use a nap. I am devouring this milkybar because I’m an anxious eater. THIS IS NOT A GOOD PLAN.
Deep breaths.
In good news, rehearsals are coming along nicely, we’re getting to the business end of panto and SHIT’S GETTING REAL. I ordered 15 boxes of cadbury fundraising chocolate for Relay for Life which they’re delivering to ~my workplace~, and that makes me feel fancy and important. Must not keep any freddos at arm’s reach or so help me dead god.

GTTW: Sickface

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UGH. I think I’ve used up a year’s worth of sickly in one month. Seriously universe, two viruses and a cold within three weeks of each other is NOT COOL. I blame doing that morning shift two weeks ago and then not napping afterwards. SO MANY REGRETS.

Anyway, good things. GO.

I got myself all stressed out about organising cast shirts because we were pulling out all the stops to get them earlier, but at one point it looked like we’d only get them for one week extra than usual because the rehearsal time is so much shorter this semester, and I was totally bummed. But then tshirt guy is like WE CAN MAKE THIS HAPPEN and I was all WOOO GAME FACE and now we have them SUPER EARLY and I’m pretty sure we’ve broken panto records and that makes me feel awesome. It was exciting seeing everyone running around in shirts Nicola and I made happen last night! Yay producering!

Shit’s hit the fan at work so there’s lots of running around like chickens with our heads chopped off, and it’s not much fun. I’m lucky that my boss is so committed to my ~health and wellbeing~ so never makes me work crazy shifts or anything. I have to work my day off tomorrow, but I’m thinking positive and drugging myself up like it’s my job.

Other nice things! I’ve been marathoning Drop Dead Diva and I’m totally addicted; bad romcoms are the best medicine on sick days; I’ve had to cancel social/dinner plans for the last MONTH but I’m catching up these next two weekends and SO looking forward to seeing my peeps again; Gotye’s new album is amazing and he’s touring Perth in Demember, EPIC WIN.

Here is a picture of Lois and I. Warning: Extreme Sexiness.

GTT: Only Cake


STILL BEEN BUSY. And still been not as productive as I could be. But plenty of good things happen today so LIST.

-Baked three chocolate cakes, two of them to freeze so I can decorate them next Friday for the birthday part of the children of an aquaintance of Mum’s from her work. I am being paid for this. Not sure how much yet. At least a $30 profit will be demanded (the ingredients that I used cost around $20, so $50 for two cakes). I’m pretty psyched to be selling cakes tbh, I want to do it more. Side business and all that.

-THE PANTO SHIRTS ARRIVED! They are glorious. It is very exciting to see the design that we’ve been working on for almost exactly a month, on a physical shirt. Plus I was honest with myself and ordered an XL this year so it isn’t awkwardly tight like all my others 😛

-Mum bought a new printer and we set it up so I can print from my laptop wirelessly. This is far more exciting than it seems, as our old printer was basically the bane of my existence, especially combined with having to use the family computer to print from. I’M GOING TO PRINT EVERY DOCUMENT I KNOW.

That’s about all.

I’ve memorised all my Panto lines now so woo, champion is me.

Much reading to do now before I go to bed as soon as my hair dries.

GTTAY: Sleepyface


Much of the same.

Panto continues to be largely delightful. Effin’ love being in a big role, man. HOW DO PEOPLE COME BACK FROM THIS? Especially such a fun role as this.

Had an Italian assessment today, devising questions on the chapters of the book we read this week, and leading the discussion on them. Went pretty well. Just glad to have gotten it out of the way, though now I need to write up the summary of it, and that’s weirdly hard to do.

Things are really piling on top of me and I’m still not being as productive as I could be, but I’m definitely improving, and I SHALL PREVAIL.

36 Days til these lovely mofos are back in my life:

I’m now having to face the fact that the return of Parks and Rec will probably actually be heartbreaking, as the cliffhanger at the end of last season sort of left everything in a no-win situation. Can’t keep getting too hyped up for joy if it’s just gonna crush me 😛

GTTLWOS: Gaston.

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So I’ve pretty much been doing the same things I always do. Work, uni and the various side projects I amuse myself with. I’m learning ‘Gaston’ on the piano, which is fun.


I’m missing you guys a bit but I’ve also been feeling kinda sick and sleepy all the god damn time. FOR OBVIOUS REASONS.

I had a hair cut. It looks like this.

The above is also an accurate representation of my dancing.

~ Lois

GTT: Pretty Busy

Turns out I wildly over-prepared for my History tute, which is sort of a bummer, but still it’s not wasted knowledge that I accumulated.

Hung out with a string of cool kids whilst waiting in the Reid Cafe for the three hours between classes ending and Panto starting. Pre-Panto Ben, then Ch’Bradam, then Rob, then Newton, Adam and Ash. It was swell!

Panto was super fun, even though I only had one scene with lines today, and two scenes of lying motionless on the floor, for the most part. Staying still whilst people are being hilarious around you and prodding you takes as much rehearsal as delivering lots of lines, though. I did my scene-with-lines without my script, which made me feel pretty chuffed with myself. Directors aren’t asking for scripts down until next Wednesday, and I think I was the only one going without it today. And I barely messed it up! Setting an example and all that. Director Adam gave me an appreciative hug heh heh. I still have 1.5 scenes of lines to memorise, having gotten 4.5 down (including two scenes with one line each). I take this shit seriously.

Tomorrow Ash and I and maybe others are going to go to the costume shop and check out potential costume elements, including a moustache for me. Exciting. Gonna see if the people in the shop can help me man up.

GTTW: Things

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Sooooooooooo on Friday I made Malai Kofta which was good but not as good as the one from 2 Fat Indians and probably not worth the 2 hours I spent making it. Had a boss sleep in, annihilated my uni work on Saturday and had a nice lazy day yesterday finishing s1 of Mad Men (TOTALLY CALLED THAT SHE WAS PREGNANT HALFWAY THROUGH). Then my Underlying Sad that I’ve had for like six weeks was all HEY BRO HOW ABOUT YOU CRY NOW FOR NO REASON and I did and it was embarrassing and I did not enjoy it and I never want to leave the house again but I did because I had uni today. And I slept in until 7 then drove to uni which meant I had enough time to make a cup of tea so that was a nice improvement this morning.

And now I can’t stop laughing at this.

GTT: Another Productive Sunday

Spent about 90% of my waking day doing important things for Panto and Uni today. Woke up at about 11:30 (aww yeah weekend sleep in), read the paper and had breakfast, and before I got up from the table started listening to the History lecture I missed on Friday and taking notes. About 20 minutes in Aly forced herself into functionality so I had to take an academic haitus to fiddle around with images for the T-Shirts and the Facebook event page which Aly was organising. Then finished History lecture, and worked out how to transfer notes from the note-taking app on my iPad to Word documents and edit and print them. Took down the washing whilst reciting my lines for Panto, then started making notes for my History tute tomorrow. Showered whilst reciting lines, did my History readings and added to notes. Learnt that ‘apocalypse’ comes from two Greek words which combined mean ‘the drawing away of a curtain’, which I enjoyed. Then did piles of Italian exercises on the use of the subjunctive tense, which is a total whore in independent clauses, and pretty easy in subordinate clauses such that exercises on the latter were very boring, and on the former were very stressful.

Now it’s a quarter to midnight and I’m knackered. I still haven’t managed to do any law readings this semester, so hnnggh. I also have an Italian presentation on Wednesday that I was intending on getting a start on this weekend but I guess I’ll do that tomorrow during the pre-Panto wait.

I probably didn’t need to spell out for you all exactly what I accomplished today, but this sort of productivity is novel for me so please excuse.

Also I had my first real shift at work yesterday and got paid! Woo!

39 days til Parks and Rec comes back.

GTT: Sleep is for the weak

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(ie. Me)

So yesterday was a bit dumb, but I succeeded in my mission to not have a nap, and I went and bought myself a new handbag in celebration. That’s how it works, right? Rehearsals last night went well, I love being in the Masonic Hall, it’s such a great space and there are THRONES and other rooms where we can go, say, practice the ~SONG~ which is going to be beyond fabulous.

I’m at work and feeling a little spent since I was cheated out of my day off, looking forward to napping the weekend away.

Here are some mixed emotions!

GTT: Occupata

Heyyyyy friends,

Things are going pretty swell. I mean I have no time to watch TV (WHAT IS THIS) and have an ungodly amount of reading to somehow fit into my life, a boatload of panto responsibilities, a wake-up time of 7am four days a week, pages of lines to memorise ETCETERA, but at this stage I’m still relishing my busy-ness and although I’m not on top of it all yet I’m feeling good that I shall be. In Italian today my teacher asked me rather aggressively why I seemed so calm and relaxed. That was strange. My answer was “Really? I’m very busy at the moment.” and then a really long attempt at explaining Panto and my responsibilities within it, in Italian. Good to know I’m coming off as really zen, though.

I have a proper work shift on Saturday wooooo gettin’ paaaaaid. Gonna be able to afford all the Fast Eddys orders over the next few weeks 😛

Had the first rehearsal this evening of this one scene in which Liam and I basically just yell at each other and push each other around and whack each other and butt heads and whatnot. It’s weirdly satisfying and therapeutic, and we both went into it 100%, instead of, you know, “acting” like we were hurting each other. (I don’t think I hurt him, but I think my left arm is bruised from aggressive prodding, and at one point he shoved me and I properly stumbled about half way across the stage). I don’t really know why this got a paragraph but it was somewhat enjoyable and may be my favourite scene.

Then I hung out with this vending machine. He is pretty cool guy.