Category Archives: Dear Emmanuel


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~ Lois

What day is it and how did I get here?

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In this image the old man is me and the bird is the stress I am feeling at the moment.

~ Lois

Dear Emmanuel: Monday

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Today I got home at midday and there was a traffic cone behind my car, which I thought might be a protest from the other tenants because I never use my car or it stays at Levi’s for three days or whatever, and I was like “Welllll I’ll move it when I go to auditions, no big deal” and had some leftover risotto for lunch. Then the guy from downstairs came up and was like “Did you see the traffic cone?” and it turns out there is a HOLE IN THE DRIVEWAY (like a pothole, but eroded on one side, so ridiculously unstable, I am told) and it only affects my parking spot and now I can only get out if someone else isn’t in their parking spot (luckily it was that way both times I had to go out today, but I’m not holding my breath) so I had to park Stanley on the road and I hope he is okay. I’m all “Its fine, nothing bad has happened to cars on the street except when Levi’s mirror broke and OH YEAH THAT ONE TIME CAM’S CAR GOT WRITTEN OFF AND WE GOT WOKEN UP BY THE PO PO INFORMING US”.

Moral of the story: I am very fortunate to have a car and this is a minor setback in my life. Maybe I should just park it and get the bus, what a novel idea. (I would but it takes 3x longer to get to work at the best of times, I don’t fancy arriving home at 9pm when I finish work at 7:30. Whatever I’ll shut up).

In other news, I made some really great burgers today. Levi has gone home for a few days so it is BEEF CENTRAL in the friend zone. I also did my Christmas panto audition and it went pretty well I guess. Also I played Mario Kart and I am *thisclose* to winning gold on the Star Cup. I kind of want to let Chris or Levi win it for me but I’ve done all the cups on 50 and 150cc, so I might as well suck it up and put a lot of my time into winning these last few.



GTY: Freedom part 1

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Yesterday I accomplished a variety of things, including a 16-round game of Mario Kart with Chris (on the Gamecube, so I am a bit terrible at it, but I got progressively better) and doing 2 make-up lessons for work AND teaching a new student (who has really good taste in music, thank goodness). Then I was sick and it was totally disgusting but that is what you get for eating junk for two days. My body was revolting in both senses of the word. So now I am going to eat more healthily because, SURPRISE, I hate throwing up. (I think you probably underestimate just how bad my diet has been, but it involves a lot of hot chips).

In mildly related news, I’ve also been reading a journal called Food, Culture & Society (well, what I can access of it), which is pretty great. I feel like a big old nerd and I don’t even care. Chris and I are playing a bunch of Mario Kart while everyone else is at their exam before we go out for BURGERS FOR LUNCH. I realise that kind of goes against my ‘WOO EATING HEALTHY AND NOT BEING SICK’ thing but we’re going to Jus Burgers so I feel like that makes it okay.

Also, I am mad at Chris because he ate my yellow peach from the fruit bowl and gave me a LESS RIPE WHITE PEACH to replace it. Dear Emmanuel, amirite.

Dear Emmanuel: Work

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Dear Emmanuel,

First I get a new student at work, which means I get more money, but he was so bored and uninterested I was bored for a WHOLE HALF HOUR. Then I got asked to take on a new student but I said not tonight, so they’re coming on Thursday, which again is more money which I need but it has serious implications for me getting home in time to watch Beauty and the Geek. I don’t think you understand how awful my life is right now*.


*I added that for dramatic effect, I’m not actually crying at my desk right now. Or AM I. I’m not.

GTT: I’m Gettin’ Monayyyy

Dear Emmanuel, this morning I really didn’t want to get out of bed before 10am so I could go to work, and I had a headache all day.

Dear Nicola. Employment, huh?

The more longish shifts I do, the briefer they seem, so that’s nice. Learnt a couple new things. Aaaalways learning. I am grateful for Subway 6-inch ham subs for $4.95.

We had pizza for dinner and we had satay chicken and it was REALLY SPICY! It was pretty great really.

Parks was delightful and emotiony. Community was lots of fun. The Office was the best it’s been all season.

Hail Zorp.
❤ Nicola

GTT: Employee of the Year

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Dear Emmanuel, today I had to walk to work AGAIN. That is two days in a row I have had to walk ten minutes down the street. To be frank, it’s an outrage and I won’t stand for it.

Today was a fun day at work, because I got to be busy! I miss being run off my feet all day; as much as I appreciate my sitting around all day looking at a computer job, I do enjoy projects a lot. Sonia (my boss) was all “Hey Alysha, I’ve got two big projects for you and the girls to work on over the next couple of weeks,” and I was all “GREAT!” By the end of the shift I was like “Yeah so, I’ve done one and a half,” and Sonia was all “Wut.” She actually texted me an hour later when I was home to basically be all YOU’RE A PRETTY COOL GUY, THANKS FOR THAT, which was nice. Also she’s planning the staff Christmas party and is determined to make it local so everyone can get smashed and get lifts home. That’s what I look for in a good boss.

My bff got an internship at The Sunday Times which is SUPER EXCITING, I had gluten free pizza for dinner, Parks and Rec FINALLY featured some Ben and Leslie time, I rewatched the spaceship Community episode which is probably still my favourite,  and then we had a facebook Thumbelina appreciation party and it was glorious.