Monthly Archives: January 2012

GTTF: Been busy

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HEY GUYS! So I’ve been doing things. Saw Melancholia, which was suitably batshit. We were in a tinytiny theatre at Luna, and after the abrupt ending, everyone just started laughing nervously/hysterically and it was a nice/weird moment. That weekend I trekked down to Claremont Quarter to take advantage of the Dangerfield sale (and take advantage I did!) and buy some amazing(ly overpriced) gluten-free goodies at the douchiest Coles of all time. Sunday we went to Harbour Town and I somehow ended up buying five bags, I don’t even know how that happened. I’m trying to save for New York, but I keep finding things that would be ~perfect to TAKE on holiday, which is TOTALLY COUNTER PRODUCTIVE. Ugh. That night the family went out and saw the Sherlock Holmes sequel which was great fun, and a much appreciated display of gratuitous fan-service.

Monday was the Golden Globes and I thought it would be an AWESOME idea to wake up at 9am to watch them before work. It was not a great idea, I spent my whole shift trying not to fall asleep on the keyboard. The GGs were okay, nothing fantastic really happened, but I would very much like for Meryl Streep and Jean Dujardin to make all of the speeches from now on. On Wednesday, we hit the town to check out the competition at an open mic night. Turns out that John Robertson was headlining, and thank god because those open mics were… interesting, to say the least. So who here has a Mum?

Last weekend was TWO ROCKS FUNTIMES. Which it was indeed! Unfortunately, the house has transformed from House of Nightmares, to simply House of Only Alysha’s Nightmares, Everywhere, All the Time. So that wasn’t great. But there were plenty of worthy distractions including intense rounds of taboost, some srs bsns Mario Kart tournaments, some of the greatest Singstar ever performed anywhere, spontaneous silent reading time and, of course, dancing around on mattresses while adorned with sheets and pillowcases. This last week I’ve been working crazy shifts, which hasn’t been so bad considering the 40C+ temperatures outside and the industrial air conditioning inside at the clinic. Australia Day yesterday was almost unbearable, Mum and I escaped to Joondalup for awhile (got my nails done an obnoxious pinky red) and when we got back, it was THUNDERSTORM CENTRAL. AWWW YEEEAH.

In other news, Oscar noms came out and they are WHACK. Nicola and I are officially on our mission to watch ALL OF THEM. As soon as I get out of work tonight, the bladies are hitting Funbury for a bit of Self Love Down South. Needless to say, it’s gonna be off the chain.

GTTW: Proactive!

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We had a staff meeting the other night and the ~theme for 2012 was PROACTIVE which is something I really need to be, so let’s go with that.

Picking up from last week, I DID clean all the things! I use the term ‘all the things’ loosely, since I really just did a glorified surface clean. My room needs a serious spring clean in which I throw out 70% of my useless possessions, but it’s far too hot for such things so we’re putting that off. Good start on being proactive, eh? Sunday we had our writer’s meeting, which reminds me that I have a scene to write by Tuesday. Cool goal keeping, me.

In other news, not much. TV is back and that makes me muchos happy. We had bladies night on Tuesday which involved eating delicious curry on the floor, girly chats and old comedy galas. All good things! My boss called me today and was like “lol we’re totally two staff short for a week, how do you feel about an extra afternoon and another 11 hour shift? GREAT OKAY DON’T GET SICK BYE.” I will have revenge when Nicola and I jet off in July, everyone’s gonna be so screwed MWA HA HA. I plan on running from the clinic on my last day, cackling maniacally and flailing. We’ve pre-registered for Comic-con and now we’re gleefully eyeing the Montreal comedy festival. It’s not fair how close everything is over there! We will do ALL THE THINGS.

I’m on an extra regime of meds for my adrenals which is eating all of my hard-earned savings. I’m taking more pills than ever, and it’s physically painful to take that many first thing in the morning (read: afternoon), I get so uncomfortably bloated and it’s not a pleasant way to start the day. Not to mention my record breaking loo breaks. Boo. Going out for dinner and movie with my frans tonight, if I ever get out of work. The end is neeeeaar.



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I’M GOING TO BRISBANE if I don’t die on the way there.

I’ll try and post about things while I’m there :3


~ Lois

GTT: What’s the deal with airplane food?

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So, musical theatre karaoke is pretty damn great eh? Team Panto rocked out last night and, I’m sure, blew everyone’s minds with our talent and attractiveness. I sang What You Own with Cam (complete with a few screamo lines), We Both Reached For The Gun with Nicola (which was the most flawless peformance even witnessed by human kind) and Nowadays with Lois (totally saved the stupidly long ‘whistling break’ by doing bad stand up). We befriended another big group there, who were annoying  good, by chanting their names whenever they got up to sing (best way to make friends in any situation) and applauding wildly. At one point we were loudly bonding  (as in, yelling across the bar) over our mutual outrage at the Les Mis movie casting, which was rather heartwarming. Near the end of the night, we all got up and sang Seasons of Love together which was totally a top 5 life moment tbh. Other highlights include us all singing and dancing backup for I’ll Make a Man Out of You, Adam and Newton bringing the house down with Party Rock Anthem (there’s nothing quite like a bunch of theatre kids enthusiastically shuffling), filling every instrumental break with sweet dance moves and just generally acting inappropriately for a public setting. There was of course, that one guy who had obviously missed the musical theatre memo, and insisted on singing pervy sex songs badly while we all awkward turtled. All in all a fantastic evening that I would like to relive regularly.

In other news, work’s been pretty random. We brought on a new chiro in December, and today we hired a new massage therapist! Which is great, but also crazy. I’ve been watching recently-made period dramas all week: Wuthering Heights, Northanger Abbey, Mansfield Park (x2) and Bright Star (again). Moving onto Great Expectations and War and Peace tonight, because that’s how I do Fridays: WILDLY. New Sherlock was amazing, I can’t deal with it having such short seasons. Tomorrow I will clean ALL THE THINGS.

My pictures don’t have to make sense, okay? I DO WHAT I WANT.

Life lessons reiterated by Photoshop

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I didn’t make new years resolutions, that is just not my jam, but there are things that I like to try to do so my life is simpler and easier and nicer. Then I forget about them because I have a deadline, and Photoshop kindly forces them back into my life. For example:

– Only do one thing at a time. I was told over a year ago that I am ruining my body (cortisol sounds right?) by always doing two or more things at once and therefore making my whole body stressed to the point where that level of stress becomes normal, so I have to do even more stuff at a time to feel like I’m getting anything done (or something to that effect, but more medically accurate). If you have spent more than 2 hours with me you are probably aware that I can’t NOT multitask. Photoshop is all “Nuh-uh, lady!”, and if I try to do anything other than what I’m meant to be doing (Facebook and Twitter, I am looking at you) it crashes and I didn’t save it recently enough so I have to go back and do things again.


– Take breaks. Normally a forced result of Photoshop crashing and the pinwheel making me wait forever for it to reload, it means I am actually getting up and walking around instead of sitting down for stupidly long periods of time. Also if I have been working on something and it is frustrating me to the point where I have a headache, that is probably time to leave it alone for a while.


– Think about what you are doing or you are going to delete a layer you just spent fifteen minutes working on. You fool.

GTT: Golz

Hayhay. So yesterday I had to start work at 8, which, euch, but I was finished at 12 which felt weird. Then I napped unsatisfactorily and had a headache. So I slept for 14 hours and now I am fine. YAAAAAY.

Today I did mostly no things. But I got an email from uni (admin people went back to work today after their holiday break, so I started expecting it today, but not really yet because I figured they’d have a huge backlog), and it said that if my bad results were mostly in a faculty other than Arts (which they were), then it wouldn’t affect my transfer application. So YAY I’m still probably going to uni this year!

Another good thing is that I found some more comedy venues that do open mics and I emailed one of them asking for a spot some time in the nearish future. Gotta get some practice before my RAW Comedy heat. I’M SO DOING THIS, GUYS. THIS IS SOMETHING THAT I AM DOING. I’ve decided I don’t mind if some of you come for my debut, so, you may, if you’re into that. I will let you know. I’m equal parts terrified and pumped, which I think is a good way to be about things. Bombing is an important experience in a stand up’s career so even if I do really poorly I can still tick that box and I will still be on track.

Also it looks like the RAW Comedy heats have 1-2 females and 12-13 males, which is interesting/not unexpected/potentially an advantage/potentially a disadvantage/potentially not at all influential upon anything.

My room is still appalling.

Going to do some musical theatre karaoke tonight which should be WONDERFUL.

❤ Nicola

GTT: Nothing Bad

Hey hey. All good things lately. Most covered by Aly’s big post. Had Lois over for a low-key low-effort New Years Eve in which we acted antisocial playing on our iPads on couches as we watched Schools Spectacular, then played Just Dance for a bit and Lois agreed to being made to watch the first disc of season two of Parks and Rec, and then at midnight we made mugs of mocha and went on the balcony to listen to fireworks and experience the fairylights on the balcony with the diffraction glasses that make fireworks magical, and we talked about things.

I started cleaning my room and ended up totally gutting my wardrobe, which has been cluttered up with loads of just THINGS for the past like 8 years. So now most of those things are on my floor, and it’s a lot messier than it was. I’ve been listening to podcasts during the cleaning and that’s been v interesting and educational etc.

Tomorrow I’m working a morning shift, which is new. I don’t think I’ve actually finished a shift before closing before. When Mum transfers my pay from last week I’ll have reached my end-of-2011 savings goal, which is great. It’s about where it was when I got home from my travels, now, so I’ve made back all the living I did when I was unemployed all year. Now I just gotta get to a travel agent and buy the tickets for Aly’s and my trip to the US in July, to deplete said funds significantly.

In worrying news I might be suspended from uni this year which would be, uh, less desirable than going to uni. So I’m fighting for a non-suspension, but if it doesn’t work out, I will just make it work I suppose nbd. (Sort of a bd but not that much of a bd, I can deal.)

❤ Nicola

Where have I beeeeen?

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Away, basically. Christmas was super, I spent Christmas eve at Tara’s eating McDonalds and watching Matlida and Muppet Christmas Carol, and we had Christmas at my uncle’s place, then Boxing Day I saw some more family members and went home to see Levi’s family and they have a POOL which was a godsend. Then Mama and Dad came home and we relaxed and ate lots of food and I got a huge rash on my arm which made Mum go “Lol you haven’t had one of those since you worked at Baker’s Delight, you must have an allergy to bread” and I was like I HATE YOU. But its not *awful* so I will obviously not be giving up bread/wheat (also I hardly ever eat bread so idgaf).


Anyway I had a 21st on NYE, which is why I missed the festivities everyone else was at, and that morning Mum asked what I was going to wear (it was cocktail dress) and I told her (that blue dress with the flowers I wore to panto one day, if anyone is interested/remembers) and she was all GET IN THE CAR QUICK QUICK WE HAVE TO BUY YOU A NEW DRESS BEFORE I LEAVE (to Perth for a wedding). Soooo I got a new dress and its gorgeous. The 21st was superfun, there was a bunch of us from high school who had a grand time drinking alcoholic slushies and dancing and watching fireworks at 11:30. I had a huge sleep then came back home and spent yesterday playing Zelda and being excellent.


Christmas Break II

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THINGS KEEP HAPPENING. And I feel the need to record them for POSTERITY so that they can be fondly looked back upon in future days of (probable) sickly misery.

I left you after boxing day, from which I have still not fully recovered. The next day, us girls hit the sales for some serious shopping. Mum wanted to buy us legit jewellery for funsies, so we trawled the 50% off deals and had a gay ol’ time. I picked out a ring that we call SQUIGGLE MAGIC. It’s 9ct yellow gold and white gold, and I like staring at it. Not used to having proper nice things! We also stocked up on towels and I took advantage of Tree of Life, Peter Alexander, Novo and La Senza bargains. That night was Kiara’s birthday sleepover so Nicola and I escaped the house to go rewatch Midnight in Paris with some pantees at Luna Outdoor. It’s definitely one of those films I can just watch over and over again, lots of fun.

The next day I snuck back to Whitfords to grab another gold/garnet ring I had my eye on (Mum decided I needed a belated 21st present since Nicola got one) and a pair of zirconia studs for super cheap, before heading off to dinner with Lana and Gemma at Hillarys. Little Caesars was crazy packed so we settled for Grill’d burgers, they were out of gluten free buns AGAIN so I was that asshole who gets a burger as a salad and the waiter was totally side-eyeing me. We went for milkshakes in the aircon at San Churro and discussed ALL OF THE TOPICS and it was a lovely evening.

Pic unrelated.

Thursday I was ‘back to work’. At a completely empty clinic. Which was BORING AS SHIT. I only stuck around for a few hours, there’s only so much one can get done with no patients. Friday was a little busier and I actually had company so the afternoon was bearable. Afterwards I jetted off to Lana’s for Vietnamese food and cocktails (soy white russian slushies are the best things ever), and catch-up chats with people I like. We ended up talking until past 3 in the morning, because we’re WILD AND CRAZY GUYS. I somehow dragged myself out of bed at 3 the next afternoon, picked Nicola up from work (there’s a possibility I was still taking advantage of sales, that’s what Christmas money is for!) and settled down with some Captain America on blu-ray and chicken nuggets. PARTAAAAY.

I then headed off to the Humble Abode for NYE celebrations with some of my favourite people, where I drank a few too many delicious freshly squeezed fruit juice cocktails and then had to stick around ’til 4:30am until I could drive home. WINNER. A group of us missed the countdown because we were too busy playing Mario Kart (“Hey guys, it’s almost midnight, we have sparklers,” “SHUT UP WE’RE ON RAINBOW ROAD”), which is a mighty fine way to bring in the new year (I lost too, which is probably foreshadowing). Singstar was brought out and we sang BEAUTIFUL songs which should have been recorded and sold for millions due to their EXTREME MAGNIFICENCE. Street Justice was formed and the usual 4am shenanigans went down before we all decided we were too old for this shit and started falling asleep on each other.

Just breakin’ up the text with some animated bromance.

I had stupidly invited a bunch of pantees over on New Years Day to watch movies while the parents were away. Past me was obviously very optimistic about how much sleep future me required over New Years. Nevertheless, we marathoned Non-Disney films complete with our usual singalongs, bad puns and snarky commentary. YOU’RE A JEW, MOSES. After Thumbelina, Fern Gully, The Road to El Dorado and The Prince of Egypt, the lame (smart) people went home to sleep off the night before, while the cool kids braved Hillarys for Little Caesars (success!) and froyo, which was a GREAT idea. We then watched Moulin Rouge which has been tainted forever because Cam.

I then slept for ALL OF THE DAYS. Yesterday I watched the 2009 Wuthering Heights, the new Sherlock (which is shaping up to be even better than the first season, if that’s even possible), and after Nonna’s I went to see War Horse with Mum and Gemma. It was, as expected, both wonderful and traumatising. I was actually glad it was done by Disney (I was wary at first) because I could not have dealt with gore on top of all of that emotional turmoil FOR REALZ. Dying to see the play even more now, hopefully it’s still on come July.

THEM’S A LOT OF WORDS. THANKS FOR READING. Even if you’re just reading this bit because it’s in caps lock. I appreciate that. I also did this boring 2011 meme over at my neglected LJ.

Here is a pic of Colm Wilkinson and Ramin Karimloo because REASONS.