Monthly Archives: April 2011

GTT: Editing

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I spent the better part of today editing and uploading a crapload of panto footage, and we’re a pretty humorous bunch I must say! I’m including this video because being on the writing team was such a great experience, I really enjoyed seeing my beloved scene four evolve from writers’ meeting discussions to the stage. When the sound effects and everything were added at the tech run, I was beside myself with glee. Looking forward to getting stuck into the next one!

GTT: Recipes

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Today I woke up early because I’d set my alarm and I wanted to get stuff done, but I woke up with what seemed to be a mild flu bug so I went back to bed until 1.30. Frustrating, but at least I got sleep and I’m feeling much better now. I got washing and going to the chemist done this afternoon ($50 down the drain on meds, booooooo!), so at least the day wasn’t a total bust. Best of all, I’ve spent this evening organising my recipes into my new recipe program ‘Delicious Recipes’ so yay for being organised!

~ Lois

GTT: The Wedding

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Today I somehow got swept up in the hype of THE wedding. Unfortunately I was at work so I missed the epic broadcast, but I had a stream up on mute which I was half watching between appointments for an hour or so, sending updates to the chiropractors and massage therapists through out inter-office messenger. At one point, when Kate was walking down the aisle, everyone in the clinic (patients and all) were crowded around my computer to ooh and aah over the dress. Kate is gorgeous, the dress was beautiful, William is just a sweetheart and Harry cracks me up. I also loved the pissed off mini-bridesmaid and the array of zany hats. Seriously, when Elton John looks tame in comparison to you, it’s time to reconsider your headwear.

IT WAS LOVELY OKAY. I CAN’T HELP IT. Everyone was just so HAPPY and in LOVE and I was all swoony and smiley like the pathetic female that I am.

GTT: The Fairytale

Fine, I enjoyed the royal wedding, okay?



GTT: I Can Post Videos Too!

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Today I slept in and it was glorious. Not just because of the sleeping in part, but the sleeping part! I’ve been having trouble getting to sleep at night, so it felt awesome to get a solid 10 hours. I checked the blog earlier and had a blonde moment trying to figure out what GTY and GTYAT meant. I fiddled with my computer and got it running all nicely and I did yet more cleaning. Good times.

The end of this clip makes me tearful, because I am a hopeless romantic. That’s a good thing, right? Right?!

~ Lois

GTYAT: Stolen anagram

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Been slogging through afternoon shifts at work and totally forgot to post. LIKE A BOSS. Yesterday I actually ENJOYED Glee for the first time in ages, rewatched Holy Grail which is 75% better when you know the people in it, raced a new unlocked cup on Mario Kart and got through a nice chunk of panto editing. I’ve got so much, I need to figure out the best way to split it up, and what to put on the DVD etc.

Today I flailed over the new Deathly Hallows trailer and have been on tumblr all afternoon getting hyped up over gifs. Leftover pizza for lunch and Nandos for dinner with old friends. Trying my best to ignore the raging battle of ladytimes I have going on right now by eating a buttload of chocolate; totally medically sound!

GTYAT: Wasted Time

I’ve accumulated once more a backlog of things I should be doing (including getting my computer fixed so that I can, among other things, update this every night instead of waiting for Kiara to get off the family computer and then falling asleep), but I’m having an excellent time slacking off. I don’t know how healthy it is to celebrate that, but as a bunch of cool people including John Lennon said: “Time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time.”

Speaking of enjoying wasted time, I love this song. It’s best enjoyed with your full attention on it. Sometimes I just listen to the drums and bass.

Anyway, there’s a level on Mario Kart called Rainbow Road and I have only ever come last on it but holy shit it is SO BEAUTIFUL.

I had my first Chiropractic appointment since I went to Italy in August, yesterday, and that was good.

Also Parks & Recreation is possibly all I actually need in life, and there was a new episode today.

Hopefully in the next few days I’ll be posting about actually achieving things. We’ll see 😀



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GTT: Home!

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I came home for my birthday. Well, I came home the day after, but nonetheless. I had a delicious meal with Mama and Dad and Levi (which I’m sure offended his vegetarian sensibilities because I had a pork belly entree and kangaroo for mains), Mum had made my favourite birthday cake (!!!!!), and I’ve kicked this ethics essay in the nutsack.


I also had a phone call from Chris on my birthday at about 6:45pm, when I thought he had forgotten my birthday, because he thought facebook was too impersonal. So many <3s.

Now I’m having delicious carby pasta for lunch. Ommmm nom nom nom nom.

GTY: Samesies

I need to stop spending all my time with Aly, because it’s making both of us posting redundant 😛

I’ll just say that coming home from Indian dinner with lovely Pantees to watching Baggage with Aly and playing Mario Kart til 1:30am with Kiara was bliss. BLISS.

Also the past couple days I’ve read a chapter of my book in bed before getting up in the morning, and I like that. Even though this morning’s chapter focused on rape victims misidentifying their attackers and zealous prosecutors denying evidence for the wrongly incarcerated defendants. Nothing like a bit of tragedy and injustice in the morning. Still, worth reading about, and definitely worth thinking about for a potential future lawyer.
