Category Archives: The Project

GTYAT: Wasted Time

I’ve accumulated once more a backlog of things I should be doing (including getting my computer fixed so that I can, among other things, update this every night instead of waiting for Kiara to get off the family computer and then falling asleep), but I’m having an excellent time slacking off. I don’t know how healthy it is to celebrate that, but as a bunch of cool people including John Lennon said: “Time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time.”

Speaking of enjoying wasted time, I love this song. It’s best enjoyed with your full attention on it. Sometimes I just listen to the drums and bass.

Anyway, there’s a level on Mario Kart called Rainbow Road and I have only ever come last on it but holy shit it is SO BEAUTIFUL.

I had my first Chiropractic appointment since I went to Italy in August, yesterday, and that was good.

Also Parks & Recreation is possibly all I actually need in life, and there was a new episode today.

Hopefully in the next few days I’ll be posting about actually achieving things. We’ll see 😀


Re: our tagline

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Nah, that’s gay.

Me Three

Hello,  pleasant blog!

I’m Nicola, a friend of Lois and Emily.  I’m one of those usually outwardly-confident but inwardly-beating-myself-up types. Right now I like my sense of humour and occasionally my face (when it’s amusing) but not too much else about myself. That needs to change, and this can’t hurt!

Here’s something that’s been making me very happy recently:

During rehearsal for the last show put on by the university theatre society that Lois mentioned in her intro. This was taken at the end of the ridiculous and hilarious musical number that I played a big part in writing and choreographing. I was co-director of the show and that’s me in the blue in the bottom right corner, watching my cast at work. This photo means fun, laughter, pride, and people who I’m only ever about 10% insecure around (which is close to as low as it gets).

Here’s to more of that feeling.


A Group Project

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Talking to one of my best friends this morning, she asked to be involved. The post below is from Emily, who you’ll love once you get to know. I’m going to see whether my other girlfriends want to be involved. The more happy the better!

~ Lois

To New Beginnings

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So you’ve stumbled across my blog and you’re wondering what it’s about. Hi, I’m Lois and I’ll be spending a year trying to figure out how to feel better about myself and my life.

I’m a twenty-one year old Australian currently studying a Bachelor of Music Education. I live with my parents and throw myself into a bunch of hobbies, mainly acting and working behind the scenes for a theatre society at the university I attend.

It may seem quite indulgent to write a blog about the ways in which I’m learning to be okay with love myself. Maybe it is, but I think it’s something I need to do. I’ve set it as a year-long project because I know these things take time and I want to give myself the best possible shot.

My reasons for taking on this project are these;

I have never had good self-esteem and I want to change this about myself. Everyone deserves to feel good about the person they are and I think it’s good to have a place to focus your thoughts.

– In June of last year I was diagnosed with a pituitary adinoma, which is a benign brain tumour. Since then I’ve been constantly sick from the medication I have to take and have had other health complications stemming from the initial problem. I’ve developed depression because I’ve struggled to cope with the enormity of what’s happened in my life and sometimes I feel like there’s nothing good happening for me. I need to remind myself of the good in my life.

– I ended a long-term relationship in November of last year and since then I have not coped well with being single. As cheesy as it is, I think I need to love myself before I can love someone else or let them love me.

I am going to post every day for a year about things which have made me happy that day, or should have made me happy or which could be considered an achievement, however small. I’ll post links to things I think are funny, photos of my friends which make me smile (with their permission of course!) and any little anecdotes I want to share with the world. It will be a jumble of things but it will be happy. I may even attempt to be humorous, so watch out for that!

~ Lois