Monthly Archives: October 2011

GTTW: From the bed of me

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So I’m sick as a dog, which is just great. Lois and I got sick at the same time, but I think we have different things so I can’t blame her dammit. I have some kind of glandular fever style virus going down and it is utter balls. Feeling a little better today, my swollen glands have localised to just the one side of my throat, so we’re making progress. Having a fever for three days is reminding me how much I despise summer. I am dreading it like it’s nobody’s business, ugh.

I’m super bummed that I missed a Halloween party on Saturday night, I was really looking forward to it. I was inspired by the theme ‘too soon’ and had an Amy Winehouse costume all ready to go, but instead I spent the night ripping my clothes off in a feverish rage, and then crawling back under the covers two seconds later. And repeat. I hear it was a wonderful night though; Jesus was apparently sodomising the gays, as he is wont to do as per the bible, right?

I did manage to properly enjoy at least one day of the long weekend. Friday I was up bright and early for a surprise party we threw my Pop for his 80th. We took the scenic route to Mosman Park via Fremantle, completely on purpose, because I love driving on hot mornings when my aircon is broken. It was an unorthadox lead up to the big reveal, considering he’s deaf, so we’re all yelling OKAY EVERYONE HE’S RIGHT OUTSIDE and giggling when people were automatically shushing each other. Pop had the best surprised face ever and we all spent the next few hours feasting like kings and facepalming over our less-than-bright cousins.

Then it was time for the Macri Party Cab to escort us to Joe’s Tim Burton themed 21st, which was a blast. I thought it was a good idea at the time to cover my entire face in green eyeshadow, but on hindsight maaaaybe not so much. There was much dancing, cheese eating, gazebo adventures, inappropriate conversations and making fun of all the girls who came as sexy versions of so-and-so. Joe awarded Ash, Nicola and my Lock, Shock and Barrel costumes first prize and in celebration we turned in early because we’re old women.

Sexiest mofos around tbh.

I have to work tomorrow so I’m dedicating this evening to trying not to feel like hell. But we’re thinking positive, and these last couple of days I have definitely gotten a lot of use out of our giant TV and my latest blu-rays packed with special features. I had a Thor weekend and today was X-Men: First Class. Misfits came back today, which I’m super excited to watch, and I’ve also been marathoning old Johnny Weir programs and interviews and feeling nostalgic.

GTT: Getting shit done

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I’m so sick it’s not even funny. Mum reckons it’s a cold. She is most definitely wrong.

BUT I turned in work which was due last year today. I had an open extension because of my tumour diagnosis and everything falling to shit but I really left it too long.

So that feels good.

Glee comes back on Wednesday. That feels even better, even though it means I won’t be able to talk to most people about it for fear of being ridiculed.

~ Lois

Happy Monday!

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Here are some cute babies in costumes.


GTT: Learning

Spent an inordinate amount of time reading about the evils of cultural appropriation, especially as it relates to native american cultures. Feel all educated. Want to be moreso.

Did my tax return, finally. $63 is coming my way.

Activated a voucher for five months of DVD rentals from I am excited by my queue. Lots of nature documentaries.

❤ Nicola


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I am exhausted after double 21st weekend but apparently that is what all of next year will be like so looking forward to that. How Levi works both weekend nights and doesn’t sleep all day is beyond me.

I had an asthma attack in the car today and remembered how much I love fresh air. And breathing. I also did some pretty boss music-pickin today. For this 21st I grabbed a shift dress I bought years ago and never wear because its a bit short, tried it on and it looked fine (yay, I can only assume my bum/hips are smaller than they used to be!) but the arms were too tight (I KNEW something was wrong with it) and then I was like “Hold up, I can just unpick the hem on the sleeves.”. So I did and it didn’t hurt and that was really boss. I’ll probably have to put some bias binding or something on it so it doesn’t fray or die or whatever (have you realised I know not much about sewing yet?) but for tonight it was fine/cool. Sweet. Stuff is pretty good, overall, just some things make me so full of rage I have to just ignore them and hope for the best.


Three words

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Also, Loki.

GTT: Work work work.

Somehow was awake at like 8:30, so just lazed around in bed until I had to get ready for work at 11.
Work was fiiiiine. Busy enough not for there to have been too many boring lulls. I like earning money.

Also last week I remembered that there was a Subway at Whitfords (the centre in which my workplace is), so I can get lunch from there on Saturdays and only spend $5 and get to eat vegetables. Hurr durr. I don’t know how I forgot about it. I went there every week when I was at my first job.

Tomorrow I’m going to do something different with every hour. That should be interesting.

❤ Nicola

GTT: Adjustment and Writing

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How is it that I can write 5000 words in a day on creative writing but ask me to write an essay (even on something I’m interested in) and it takes me weeks to write 2500 and it’s always, always bad.

It’s a good thing I pretty much plan on being creative for my career, eh? Eh?!

Also, got my back adjusted today. It was painful but daaaayuuuum I feel better!

~ Lois

PS. Bitches should categorise their posts.

GTT: Heeeeere’s Lois!

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Hi all!

I’ve been doing lotsa stuff … mostly the stuff that Nicola and Aly post about though.

I came out.

I guess as pansexual? I dunno. I like ladies and men.

So there’s that.

~ Lois

GTT: Partues


Got up especially early to watch Community and Parks. Halloween episodes!

Long car voyage to Cottesloe or something (via Fremantle, definitely on purpose) for Pop’s surprise 80th birthday party. It was pretty entertaining. Our cousins on that side of the family are really weird. The slideshow I put together worked fine and was well-received. Though there was one typo and it was picked up. Dammiiiiiit.

Got home, watched Parks another couple of times, and made the second part of my costume for a Tim Burton themed party, then left for said party. Cheapest costume ever, btw. It was a paper plate mask which I drew on with sharpie, and fastened with tape and two elastic bands tied together, and a black top turned inside out with bits of paper taped to it. It was oddly well-received.

The party was good fun. Some good Panto people- sort of an interesting mix. Great decorations. Commendable cake. Very entertaining other guests- special commendation to the girl we dubbed “Sexy Abraham Lincoln” who was actually apparently dressed as Danny DeVito’s character from Big Fish. I don’t recall him wearing fishnets though.

Multiple photos from the night pending til whenever Ash uploads them.

Sleep time now!
In good spirits.

❤ Nicola