Category Archives: Conversations with Mum

Chatting with Carmel, Part 2

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Mum: Did it go okay today?

Me: Yeah, should get results for Friday or Monday. 20% chance they’ll not have enough and have to do it again though. Not too concerned. Bleeding a bit. Have to ‘rest the biopsy site’ today HOW THO

Mum: Hope they have enough and the bleeding stops. Rest up!

Me: I am. Also Levi and I just had leftover Indian for lunch and he got a cardamom pod and said he won Indian Lotto. Thats a thing now.*

Mum: May it go viral. Just had an interesting conversation with a 5 year old. Started about penguins, he asked who created penguins (his answer: God) then who created God and Jesus (his answer: the world).


*Indian Lotto is how Dad justifies leaving bay leaves and other big spice things when he cooks Indian, by saying that we won Indian Lotto. Or Italian Lotto if its in a lasagne or whatever.

Chatting with Carmel, part 1

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Me: “So when you’re under a general anaesthetic, is that like a really deep sleep?”

Mum: “They put you to sleep, yeah”

Me: “But is it like, a super deep sleep?”

Mum: “Well its just making you go to sleep instantly”

Me: “But am I likely to piss myself under a GA? That’s really what I’m getting at”

Mum: “Oh, maybe. You don’t drink anything for six hours beforehand but sometimes they rehydrate you too much and you pee. Kids do it sometimes. I wouldn’t put it past you”