Monthly Archives: June 2012

GTT: Best Thing Ever Short Of A Body Swap Film

So I was already 1000 excited about all the ridiculous things we’re doing on our trip. 

And then, whilst looking for info on places to do open mic in New York, I accidentally stumbled across tickets to see Amy Poehler doing improv.

So now I have them. 



Someone remind me how to because I cannot.

Now I’m going to have nightmares of the alternate universe in which that show happened and we didn’t realise we could have been there until afterwards. Or the version of this universe in which she doesn’t show up (the page says cast is subject to vary). Hold me.



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I’m trying my best not to jump out of my skin so I am as coherent as possible. It’s really not helping when coworkers and patients alike keep calling me or popping in to say goodbye. I’M TRYING NOT TO THINK ABOUT IT SO I CAN GET THROUGH THE WORK DAY, GEEZ. Gemma dropped off her travel hairdryer for me to borrow and now every time I look at it, I get all twitchy, I’m going to have to move it.

So yesterday, guess what, I ran errands. MORE ERRANDS! Got my hair cut, cashed a cheque, splurged at The Body Shop with gift cards I got for my birthday, bought an amazing Nanna shawl for the plane, had coffee with Gemma and helped her pick out a hat. Which she has now lost. I can’t take her anywhere. When we got home, Nicola and I filmed a ~travel haul~ video for funsies and also to entertain Laura and anyone else who likes looking at our faces. So here it is if you’re interested in seeing all the cool travel stuff we got, interspersed with a boob segue, helpful Nonna advice, general Macri hilarity and my personal favourite: Alysha Gets Excited About Things While Nicola Apathetically Eats a Sandwich.

Last night we also booked a few last minute tickets ($20 for Anything Goes, woopwoop!), threw together an itinerary and all that boring stuff while Mum sat on the couch with us being all “Hey guys hey what you doing? Can I come? Hey hey poke what you doing?” because she’s a total Mum.

Tuesday night I had a lovely Indian dinner with some people I hate, especially this guy called Tim. He’s the worst, I hope I never have to see his face again, ugh. Hi Tim. This cool chick called Kat got me these tshirts with Johnny Depp’s face on them circa Cry Baby. Needless to say, they are EXCELLENT. Also she gave me icecream so +10 friend points.

Tonight I get to iron ALL OF THE LAUNDRY that I did yesterday and maybe start laying out my clothes to pack HAHA I’M SO FUNNY I’m totally gonna pack the night before. All the comic-con stuff is slowly starting to be released and it’s so exciting you guys. YOU GUYS.


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YOU GUYS. FOUR MORE DAYS. SHIT. SHIIIIIT. Do you know how long that is? NOT VERY LONG. It’s FOUR DAYS. Hyperventilating, where’s my inhaler.

We’re going to do SUCH COOL STUFF. I actually can’t decide what I’m more excited about, I keep changing my mind. One second I’m like holy crap Broadway shows, and then it’s SHOPPING OMG, wait no DISNEYLAND no no no Comic-con oh jesus wait NBC studios oh shit BEN AND JERRYS oh my god wholefoods gluten free bagels MILKSHAKES ahhhh Times Square oh man shit we’re going to see shows on BROADWAY. It’s an endless circle of hysterical excitement and I have this twisted ball of anxiety in the pit of my stomach and it’s wonderful and scary and I can’t believe it. This trip was a pipe dream for so many years, then it was a far-off reality and now it’s THIS WEEKEND. I don’t know how to cope with this scale of amazing, I can’t handle it. I CAN’T. YOU GUYS.

So this past week has just been a whirlwind of birthday stuff and trip errands, I haven’t slept properly in like a month, mainly because I’m staying up late on the interwebs just FREAKING OUT. The TONYS were on last week and they were, as always, fabulous. It’s insane because I watch the Tony Awards every year and it’s generally three hours of a weird mix of joy and misery, but this year it was PURE UNADULTERATED GLEE. I was shaking with excitement because we have TICKETS TO THESE SHOWS YOU GUYS. We’re ACTUALLY going to SEE THEM with our EYES. The only problem was that we’ve obviously had to narrow down our ‘must see’ list, so whenever a show we had decided not to see won something, I got really mad.

The family went out for birthday dinner number #3 (I take birthday week seriously) to this delightful Italian restaurant and it was DELICIOUS. We ordered ALL of the fancy starters and drinks, our mains were excellent (I won), and then we splurged on ridiculous desserts and liqueur coffees because THAT’S HOW WE DO. That night my body really hated me for all the copious drinking and rich food I’d been eating all week and refused to sleep because it’s a jerk. The weekend was filled with running around buying a video camera and travel sized EVERYTHING, sobbing in Flight Centre re: our dodgy airline, getting refitted for a bra and finding out I’m actually a D cup (pause for laughter), eating cake, testing out our vlogging technique and making Mexican out of hamburgers. We also saw Cabin in the Woods which was GREAT and mind-blowing and just a fantastic movie, that’s coming from someone who can’t deal with horror.

Tonight I’m going out for Indian with my girls and then tomorrow is MORE ERRANDS. How many errands can one person run? Hint: a lot. I’ve only got a couple of shifts left at work and my boss is freaking out because she’s going away too and there’s no one to do my job. So that’ll be fun to come back to, fo sho!

Four daaays.


GTTAY: Birthdaaaay!

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It was my birthday yesterday YAAAY. I had an EXCELLENT day filled with things and people I like. The day began with a failed Loki’d prank, birthday cake for breakfast, refusing to leave the house before 1pm like I had foolishly planned on doing, and popping into NAB to get traveller’s cards for our trip. And then it was time for THE AVENGERS. AGAIN. Because it’s the greatest film of all time. Ash made themed cookies, and there was much giggling and inappropriate conversations and the usual. After the best way to spend 2.5 hours of your life and an interesting drive (“Oh god, I’m in the wrong lane, please let me in it’s my birthday!”) we landed at Zapatas for a MEXICAN FEEEAST. I was that jerk who orders fajitas and takes up half the table with like 12 plates, yesss. A special on cocktail carafes was dangerous and brilliant,  there were twit-hacks galore and a lovely evening was had indeed. After quick round of san churros, we went to go see Nicola live her dreams and laugh at some people. A+ day. Why can’t it be my birthday every day?

I am a mature young lady.

The night before I braved the ~STORM~ to dine with some friends at an excellent pub. The highlight of the night was the chicken wrapped in bacon birthday miracle, in which they took our favourite dish off the menu but we ordered the new chicken thing anyway and then when it came out, IT WAS THE ORIGINAL CHICKEN DISH and they had just described it differently on the new menu. It was a beautiful moment. We had good catch ups and ate the cake I made which was luckily delicious (choc hazelnut torte with a layer of nutella and a coffee/mascarpone cream filling, how can you go wrong) and no one died in the APOCALYPTIC STORM.

A storm, you say?

Today has been a pretty dumb day but I did eat cake for breakfast again so it can’t be that bad. It’s only a week and a half before we leave so all my free days up until then are filled with last minute throwing things together and catching up with people I didn’t see this week. BUSY BUSY FUN FUN WHAT IS SLEEP.

I couldn’t decide which Tom Laughing gif to use re: the storm, so here’s another one. Or two.

Chatting with Carmel, part 1

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Me: “So when you’re under a general anaesthetic, is that like a really deep sleep?”

Mum: “They put you to sleep, yeah”

Me: “But is it like, a super deep sleep?”

Mum: “Well its just making you go to sleep instantly”

Me: “But am I likely to piss myself under a GA? That’s really what I’m getting at”

Mum: “Oh, maybe. You don’t drink anything for six hours beforehand but sometimes they rehydrate you too much and you pee. Kids do it sometimes. I wouldn’t put it past you”

GTTAY: Birthday week

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Hey! Wanna hear about some THINGS? Well, if you insist.

Yesterday was THE DUMBEST DAY because Kiara had a gaggle of friends over IN THE MORNING and they woke me up and wouldn’t shut up for FIVE HOURS and it was the worst. Nicola and I hid in my room and tried to get Team America stuff done but the screeching was just too much and we gave up and instead plotted their deaths. Highpoint of the weekend was when I cleared out these two overflowing suitcases full of crap that have been sitting on my floor for TWO YEARS and creating this sort of insane mountain of debris and who knows what. The point is it only took me half an hour to clean. HALF AN HOUR. I’m the worst sort of person. I also organised my tumblr. Productivity is my superpower.

Friday night was bladies night and the feeling’s right. Yeah, it was bladies night. Oh what a night (ohh what a night). There was curry and Bollywood and champagne and watching Emily google things. I also bought an Avengers blockmount which is amazing and beautiful. Saturday I hung out with Gemma and her demon cat and we had a Mexican feast and watched The West Wing. I also managed to burn chocolate because I forgot there were cherries in it when I put it in the microwave to melt. STILL GOOD.

Today I’ve been so tired and moving around like a sloth but work is nearly over and then I can go home, make a cake, cry over the terrible cake, make a different cake, and watch the Tonys yaaay!


here is my life.

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I hate exams forever please, they are the worst of the things. I think I have absorbed as much as I can for my tomorrow exam, though, so thats helpful in that I can just chillax for the next 16 hours or whatever. Cook some dinner. I spent $50 at Coles yesterday, but I did not buy anything suitable for dinners. Gracious. I am also going to make more pumpkin scones and hopefully they aren’t awful like last time. AWW YEAH PUMPKIN. AWW YEAH BREAKFAST FOOD.

I think I have a problem with all-caps. Also with hypochondria.

SERIOUSLY THOUGH I am looking forward to beef nachos on Wednesday and also exams being over the Wednesday after that. TEN DAYS, GUYS. AND THEN I’LL SHUT UP ABOUT EXAMS (but probably not about hypochondria. Deal.).



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Currently getting intimate with a jumbo bag of m&ms, we have a tumultuous relationship to say the least.

Picking up where I left off last time, I saw Herb and he was all ‘Hey, here is a list of delicious things: potatoes, sweet potatoes, corn, rice, bananas, tinned fruit, dried fruit, honey,’ and I was all ‘Wow Herb, I love all of those things!’ and he was like ‘I know you do. NOW STOP EATING THEM OR YOU’LL GET DIABEETUS.’ Stupid HERB, what does he know? He was also all ‘Hey, I think we should just take you off all of your hormone medication and then just SEE WHAT HAPPENS’ and I was all ‘Aren’t you a medical professional?’ and then he laughed maniacally while twirling his moustache. HERB’D! So that’s all fun. He also hooked me up with MORE cortisol-lowering meds and I think next time he’s just gonna give me elephant tranquilisers and be done with it.

The BGM was successful in the sense that Peter Panto is officially a reality thanks to the powers of default! I’m pretty sure no one else pitched anything because my extreme enthusiasm had reached terrifying levels. SO YAY. Also I’m head writing so that’s new and exciting! Nicola let me buy pick and mix lollies and it was a horrible decision. That’s your one job, Nicola: stop me from buying stupid things. Practice for Disneyland.

Speaking of Disneyland, HEY WE’RE LEAVING IN LIKE TWO WEEKS my heart just skipped a beat typing that. I legit just had to take a moment to get my breathing back to normal. We set up camp on Sunday to get the nitty gritty boring detail stuff out of the way, and we were doing pretty good until we were overcome with frustration and skipped to doing fun stuff for awhile. I’m already freaking out about everyone sounding SO AMERICAN on the phone, so actually getting there is probably going to feel like stepping into television. Also TSA approved padlocks are like $18 wtfff.  And China Southern is the WORST.

I spent the rest of the weekend doing ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, which somehow involved EPIC CLEANING. I don’t even know who I am anymore. Yesterday I had a massage at work (perks) and then had to sit through a two hour meeting before frolicking around Whitfords with Gemma for errands and coffee and buying a plane outfit. It is a huge relief that I now had a plane outfit, and it has been thoroughly tested by me folding myself into the foetal position and doing roundhouse kicks because that’s what you do on a plane, right?


Why is this so funny.