Monthly Archives: June 2011

gttay: dancing shoes

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Last night was way awesome, even though my feet want to kill me today whenever I walk. We had a mexican feast (and beer) at my house, public transported into the city, had to stop because we’d all drank too much beer and needed to pee, and while we were waiting for the bus at the busport we ran into my friend from uni and his friend, so we all bussed it to the gig together like the classy chaps we are. The gig itself was pretty radballs, I enjoyed it, I was a little tipsy though so I spent quite some time with my uni friend leaning on a table at the back and texting Levi to check he had Meryl because Brad threatened to make my first born son Batman if I lost her (I am yet to decide if that is a punishment, but I assume so). Because Perth is Perth and the gig finished after 11:30pm we could either get a taxi for three minutes to Amps, or walk the 3km, so we all took a leisurely stroll and had to stop for photos outside the explicit sign at the chemist, because my feet hurt, and because there was a sign saying pedestrian and GUYS WE’RE PEDESTRIANS LOLOLOLOL. So we boogied on over to Amps/Capitol/Amps/Capitol/Amps/my feet hurt can we sit down/City Kebabs for chips/Amps. We ran into SIMON AND PATRICK at Amps so that was fun because we had a nice shimmy and they are lovely boys. Then Brad drove us home because the party car had diminished to Levi, Chris, Meryl and I by 4:30am so we could actually fit into a party car and that was enjoyable because I didn’t have to pay for a taxi.



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I had to email you because I have just finished marking your exam paper and I am thrilled to tell you that you achieved 100%. This is the first time I have ever had a student receive full marks on this exam so you need to be very proud. You have clearly studied hard and fully grasp the concepts covered this semester. Naturally I didn’t know which student wrote the paper when I was marking because there are no names in them, but it was so well crafted and articulated and at the end when I added the total I simply had to look you up and email my congratulations to you.

Well done – you need to celebrate I think”

YEAH I DID. Celebrate by doing my ITALIAN EXAM which I finished in an hour (but seriously there were literally 14 questions and two translations) and then rocking the after-afters as the student who gets 100% in exams. And met BK’s girlfriend and she is lovely and surprisingly doesn’t hate me for continually telling people to judge her. (as far as I know). And did some badass dancing last night, you guys are the best. FOR SERIOUS.

Now if you will excuse me, I have a gigantic mexican feast to prepare, considering tonight’s gig-then-Amps expedition has gone from Chris and I going because nobody else would go with me, to me, Chris, Levi, Louise, Ross, Tara and Meryl going. PARTY CAR.

But not. Because that’s too many people for Stanley to drive around. PARTY MAXI TAXI doesn’t have the same ring to it.

GTTW: Sleepyface

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This week has kind of been stupid since I ran out of my sleeping pills, lost the number I need to re-order them, plus I get them from New Zealand (because they’re illegal to sell here lol) so they always take ages. Luckily my boss is a wizard and hooked me up some some new ones today so I’ve got my fingers crossed!

Apart from being a tired grump, it’s been an average couple of days. On Wednesday I bought some new shiny things and got my nails done in an obnoxious red so it’s not ALL bad. Plus Mum made an amazing pasta sauce with a ton leftover so I’ve been getting my pasta on like never before. Also just been catching up on youtube, getting on the tail end of Scooby Doo footage editing, eating a lot of m&ms and lying around pointlessly yaaaay.

Tonight is the after afters with the theme ‘things that make people angry but not offended’. I was originally going to go as people who mix up Star Trek and Star Wars but I’m feeling too meh today to rock my red Starfleet dress so I concocted a plan B at around 4am last night while I was staring into the ABYSS. There is consequently something very strange sitting on my desk at work now, no spoilers though.

I’m gonna be such a Nanna tonight since I have to work tomorrow morning now so it’s sure to be a WILD EVENING. As per my usual weekends. Also I’m really hungry and there’s no time for dinner D:

Edit: I really enjoy how prophetic the above gif I used was, as soon after it started BUCKETING DOWN with rain for hours which made driving the half hour there and the hour back a LIVING NIGHTMARE. This is warning and a lesson in safe gif usage.

GTTW: Movie crazy

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This weekend was made up of lots of food, more friends than you can poke a stick at and movies galore! I was totally exhausted by Monday from all the frivolity, but I had a lovely time so can’t complain.

Saturday we went out for Mexican at Santa Fe, followed up by delicious hot chocolates and standing around in the cold chatting. Eventually a convoy of us roadtripped down to Liam’s house WHICH IS IN THE MIDDLE OF NOWHERE, and, as always when I’m driving, that was an adventure in itself. Lots of getting lost, yelling at my GPS, yelling at Ash who was yelling at my GPS, locking all the doors when we approached Midland, and finally being abducted by aliens. By some miracle we made it alive and promptly ransacked Liam’s house before he got home; Ellie replaced some family portraits with a picture of all of us smiling and waving LIKE CREEPERS. We slogged through the first two Pirates movies, made too many bad puns, hogged blankets and ate a lot of junk food before calling it off at about 2:30. I somehow got us home an hour later, despite the fact that my GPS didn’t want to work for the first ten minutes of our journey. FUN TIMES.

Sunday I got out of bed in the MORNING, amidst loud protesting, to go see Bridesmaids with a motley crew of people. We dined at the classy establishment that is The Coffee Club, before hysterically laughing our way through the film. I crashed when we got home, caught up on So You Think You Can Dance and turned in early.

Yesterday I halfheartedly went to work, valiantly fought of a headache and general lethargy for seven hours before crawling back into bed with the Game of Thrones finale (!!!) and my saviour, the heatpack. Today has been pretty much the same but I’m wearing my ugliest/favourite ring as a symbol of my fighter spirit. But seriously is it bedtime yet.

Dragons for your time.


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Fact: There is no better way on this planet to spend your Friday night than with a bunch of fabulous people, watching Nicolas Cage movies while eating Nandos and way too many packets of jumbo mix up m&ms. Seriously, scientists should use this as treatment for depression, it is ACTUALLY the greatest thing ever.

We watched Wicker Man, which I was SO EXCITED ABOUT, and it lived up to my every expectation (except for the inhumane exclusion of the OH GOD THE BEES THEY’RE IN MY EYES scene) and then some; our snarky commentary and biting wit also enhanced the experience. We followed that up with Con Air which is a brilliant movie with the most inappropriate soundtrack known to man. Tip: ‘How Can I Live Without You’ is best enjoyed when serenaded to you by a flaming homosexual. We finished the night with Vampire’s Kiss which is the most ridiculous film on the planet and so endlessly entertaining. Again best enjoyed while giggling under a blanket with not one but TWO flaming homosexuals at 2am.

I would like to spend Friday nights for the rest of my life doing just this until we’ve seen every Nicolas Cage movie ever made, and will no doubt discover the meaning of life by the end of it. Thank you, Nicolas Cage, for being the exceptional man that you are.

GTTW: Stuff

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I haven’t been posting because I’ve been in one of those awful “fuck you life everything sucks” ruts, fun times, also studying. Buuuut this week I have

1. finished my ethics exam, probably passed (I needed something stupid like 22% to pass the unit) and will never have to study it again

2. got my letter and puzzle charm from James (only just shy of 26 months late for my 18th present, nbd)

3. cooked a good lasagne

4. ate lots of garlic bread

5. got given some of my new friend Natalie’s white teas (Buddhas Tears and Gyokuro, for anyone playing at home). She just divided up what she had  because I like tea and nobody else in her family drinks those. I don’t think she knows they are $50 per 100g, and now it looks like I have baggies of drugs on my kitchen bench, but I am nowhere near complaining.


GTT: Nostalgia

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Been spending the last couple of days checking in on what I was doing years ago. I went back to the dawn of time on my facebook, which was an interesting experience, and today I found my old Gaia account and had an excellent time reading old posts and RP threads! Those were the days.

Today I also paid a stack of bills, had my favourite curry for lunch, got to pick out a new flower arrangement for the clinic and went home from work at a reasonable time, hooray! Looking forward to a fun-filled weekend.

GTT: Day off

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Spent my day off in bed watching Community commentaries and special features, which were super excellent and I’m now marathoning disc one and enjoying going back to the start and seeing how the show has developed. I also painted by nails baby pink with sparkles, made chicken parmigiana for dinner and nommed on some almond m&ms. I got SUPER EXCITED at Woolworths to find that Sunrice now do Basmati in their one serving range! I go crazy only using half of their two serving packets and nearly always let the other half go off. UNREASONABLY EXCITED ABOUT THIS.

Also enjoying videos of this guy.

GTT: Gettin’ Shit Done

Today I slept in til noon and then updated my resume (which I’ve been putting off doing forever) and then printed out 14 copies of it (ambitious) and then went to Whitfords to drop them off at whatever reasonable places were hiring. There was only one- a somewhat fancy cafe. Hopefully I will hear from them.

It was nice being productive even though I missed the morning.


GTTW: Gettin’ old

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I had an absolutely MARVELLOUS birthday weekend, it was actually amazing. Recap!

Saturday I made birthday cake #1 (we’ll get back to this later), and then went out with Mum and the sisters for a delicious Italian dinner and then to see WAAPA’s production of Crazy for You at the Regal. It was thoroughly entertaining with colourful sets and costumes, lots of fun choreography and more corny one-liners than you can poke a stick at. Tap dancers seriously need to learn how to do wings properly though, MAKES ME RAGE.

Sunday I realised I didn’t have enough cake to feed the 22 people who were coming out to dinner that night, so I made another one; choc hazelnut torte with mascarpone and coffee sauce. It was properly delicious too, not just gluten free delicious! Hung out with the family at Nonna’s and then caught up with a hoarde of friends for an Indian feast down at Bollywood. They were awesome enough to organise a specialised set menu for us, with all of my favourite dishes and there was PLENTY of food to go around. I got some totally rad pressies including a model of the Starship Enterprise which is actually a pizza cutter (I KNOW RIGHT), the Urban Decay Naked palette which I have literally been trying to get my hands on for almost a year, my fav OPI nailpolish, and a big box of delicious Indian sweets! I also think I have the greatest collection of birthday cards ever.

The highlight of the night was, of course, when Nicola presented me with a card ambiguously explaining the contributory nature of my gift, along with a wrapped Lonely Planet guide of NYC, which I sort of stared at dumbly until she announced that we were going to New York next year and I promptly burst into tears (and I mean loud, hysterical weeping tears infront of the entire restaurant) and there were hugs and applause and I tried my best not to explode on the spot. AM TRYING NOT TO THINK ABOUT IT TOO MUCH LEST I COMBUST.

Yesterday I discovered that I had forgotten how to do mornings. I managed to drag myself out of bed at 9am to collect Gemma, grab some hot beverages and hightail it to Lana’s to watch the Tonys! It was extra exciting this year because I’ll actually have the chance to SEE these shows (specifically Anything Goes, How to Succeed and The Book of Mormon) ON BROADWAY. NEXT YEAR. MOVING ON BEFORE I HYPERVENTILATE. We snarked and fangirled our way through the show before Gemma and I headed off for an afternoon of shopping in the city. I still owed her for her birthday so we crashed the Mac counter and came away with extremely exciting goodies. I was colour matched by a fabulous gay man who I would like to hire to do my makeup always please! An MSF natural (powder foundation), pro-longwear concealer and fluffy powder brush were my rewards for not buying new makeup in five months! We also hit Kit and Lush, and browsed the Borders closing down sale which was SO DEPRESSING, it felt like the death of literature itself D: I was exhausted from being up so early so we slogged through peak hour traffic and I spent the evening lolling around, eating pizza, watching Baggage and catching up on my lovely facebook wall posts.

Today is COLD but I got out of bed in the AM today to get a massage at work! It was magical and I feel a gazillion times better but I totally wanted to nap after which was dumb because I had to go to work shortly after. So now I’m here drinking coffee, nomming on leftover birthday cake and looking forward to curling up in bed tonight with the Community season one DVD (commentary on EVERY EPISODE!)

Best birthday everrrr.