
Hello,  pleasant blog!

I’m Nicola, a friend of Lois and Emily and a sister of Alysha. I’m 20 and I study Law and Arts, majoring in Italian, and am currently contentedly unemployed. At the end of February I returned from 6 months studying in Italy. Well. ‘Studying’. I like baking and TV and comedy. Hence puns about baking on Masterchef are my favourite thing.

I’m one of those usually outwardly-confident but inwardly-beating-myself-up types. Right now I like my sense of humour and occasionally my face (when it’s amusing) but not too much else about myself. I’ve been single literally forever and that gets me down sometimes. There’s nothing wrong with me in terms of physical or mental illness, I’m just sad and lost, and guilty about feeling sad and lost because there’s nothing wrong with me in terms of physical or mental illness. That needs to change, and this blog can’t hurt!

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