Monthly Archives: July 2011

GTT: All Of The Parts

Had the script readthrough for the Panto today. It was super fun, of course. Playing with silly voices reading a bunch of different characters, and hearing lots of great jokes for the first time. Before the script was written I was talking about wanting a big part in this, but there aren’t actually that many big parts, and a lot of the smaller ones are super funny and fun. Hopefully the cast is small enough that I can have a couple of little ones

Here are a couple of funny little ones:

Uni as of tomorrow. Ugh. I mean…woooo

GTT: Four New Things

Spent most of today playing with my iPad because it is new and exciting. Had my job interview and it seems like a pretty good job with lots of hours. Have to do ten hours of unpaid training first, which I’ll knock off next week, and if all goes well I shall then be delightfully employed once more. It’s been a whole year, holy crap! Part of my interview was a mental maths test in which I basically had to calculate how much change I would have to give customers in various payment situations. I was answering them quicker than he was able to confirm the correct response. Aww yeah subtraction yeah.

I also made a pavlova because we had seven egg whites left over from yesterday. It is yum. I could probably eat a whole pavlova in the space of a few hours, ngl.

Panto read through tomorrow. Am excite.


GTT: Let’s Just Ignore My Prolonged Absence Shall We

So I have an iPad now.

And I spent 7 hours making chocolate delices with Emily and they were a total hit. It’s basically a combination of all things that are delicious, so it makes sense.

Tomorrow I’ve got a job interview sort of thing and I hope it’s just a “Hi, yeah, you don’t look crazy, you start next week” sort of deal like my previous ‘interviews’ have been. I just want employmeeeent. Well no, I just want income.

The end.

GTTW: Out of the house

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There was no lazing around this weekend, I had to go and DO STUFF. On Saturday we trekked down to Fremantle to see Sam’s play (in FREMANTLE) but I was super happy that I didn’t have to drive for once so it was a lovely evening. I even downed a pint of pear cider, which I didn’t think was something I would ever do, but there you go. Sunday was Nonna’s, and then we went out for dinner at an Italian restaurant which is named after the town my Dad was born in. Nicola and I spent most of the time giving the waiters nicknames (Commendable Jaw and Chin Combo, Ponytail, Will’s Boyfriend, Matt Damon) and making up stories about their lives. The food was excellent too.

Bialystock and Boobs got our producering on and whipped up a pretty fab logo for the next panto. My job is to come up with an idea and then nitpick at Nicola’s design. Brilliant teamwork! We used our time very efficiently, like spending an hour going through every font on Nicola’s computer before settling on the one we were using all along. We’re an unstoppable force of productivity.

Work has been same old, I went on a speedy shopping spree at Woolies before my shift and picked up an insane amount of gluten free cookies om nom nom. I’m finishing up early tonight which is very exciting as we are going out for Indian! Ignore the fact that I had curry for lunch.

I Like People.

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You know what? I am/was in a terrible, hating people mood. And then I whined to Lois and she was lovely and supportive and then I realised what I was whining about, gave Nicola the edited version, and she made me feel better and like less of a dirty C-bomb.

WHYYYYY, LIFE. This is a representation of how I felt all morning. Well, until 8:30 I didn’t feel like that because I was asleep. And its 11:30 and I am less rage-y. So by “all morning”, I mean “for three hours, excluding while I was reading Bossypants”.

Where I have been.

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Two Fridays ago, Dad came up to Perth, Levi and Chris got a house, and Dad and I spent the night eating home-made lentil curry and flatbread and looking at accounting software. It was more boss than it sounds. BOSS BECAUSE I AM SELF-EMPLOYED, GET IT. Thats not where I was going, but its true nonetheless.

Saturday: Brunch with Mum, Dad, Tara and Dad’s sister at a cute place down Freo way. Had amazing pancakes with berries and greek yoghurt. Saw aunty’s new investment property, a cottage & stables from 1898 or something cray like that that has been restored and is ADORABLE. Then Mama and I went to see my Grandpa because my Ga was in France and we thought he’d be upset but he wasn’t, so good job Grandpa. THEN we went to my other Aunty’s and had cake because it was her birthday, and I saw Levi and we probably ate pizza.

Sunday: I forget.

Monday: I shopping with the residents of the Friend Zone (you better believe that is the name of the house) for brooms and bins and mops and other such house things. I also got a pretty sweet Medicare rebate.

Tuesday: I’m sure I did more house-like-things but I forget. EDIT I REMEMBER MERYL CAME OVER AND WE MADE PINEAPPLE UPSIDE DOWN CAKE

Wednesday: HAIR CUT. I love it. Its cute. See me before it grows out too much.

Thursday: IKEA. Swedish meatballs. We set off all of the timers in the timer bins for different times. I said “Darling, I don’t know how to tell you this, but theres a Chinese family in our bathroom” a lot. It was true, what.

Friday: Stayed at home for the first time all week while Levi finished cleaning his old house, and it was weird. I got bored and played a lot of Tetris. I rearranged my bookshelves as well so my house looks a lot more open now. Then we went to dinner at the Moon for Brad’s birthday and I felt sick from too much creamy pasta/wine/Toblerone cocktails so I went home early like a nanna. And I was sad because Meryl is gone back to Ughmerica.

Saturday: Levi went to Bunbury so I was like “OH GOD WHAT DO I DO”, realised it was the first time I haven’t had plans in a week, realised I am dead on my feet, and went to bed at eight.

Today: Was lonely with no Levi. Brad came over and we commiserated about missing Meryl and drank Chai. Chris came over to pick up a bookshelf and I announced I would have dinner with him to be less lonely. He didn’t want to order pizza because he was already defrosting a fish so I ate Levi’s Tasty Indian (not a euphemism) and we alphabetised Chris’ CD collection to go in the aforementioned shelf. Now that corner of my house is very bare and I need to get some art to hang on that wall, lickety split!

GTY: The ‘Ga’ is silent

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Brief history of my magical relationship with Wicked: I started fangirling in back in 2004 with my musical buddies from my dance studio (and my darling bff Gemma). We went out of our minds with excitement when we found out they were doing an Australian production in Melbourne  in 2008 and flew over in giggly anticipation to see a preview AND the opening night performance (worst seats ever, best night of all time). I saw it again later that year (after Rob Guest passed away SAD FACE) with Mum and the sisters, my life was complete etc.

Meeting Rob :’)

To be honest, I wasn’t too fussed when I found out it was coming to Perth, but I ended up going last night with my family and it was the most wonderful, nostalgic experience. I didn’t think it would still get to me but I was pretty much a wide eyed, tearful wreck by The Wizard and I. And that goddamn Defying Gravity gets me EVERY TIME. The first time I saw it live I literally broke down, and we were all weeping into each other’s hair, it was pretty pathetic. I am particularly in love with the ‘new’ Elphaba, Jemma Rix, who was absolutely incredible. She plays the character with little nuances I haven’t seen before, and it’s PERFECT. It was the first time I really believed that Elphaba WAS the Wicked Witch from The Wizard of Oz, she worked in bits of Margaret Hamilton’s character seamlessly. Also her voice is so EFFORTLESS, she kept hitting notes that left me slack-jawed, I can’t sing her praises enough! It was also great to see how Lucy Durack has developed her character over the past four years, she’s so fabulous. My Mum said she enjoyed seeing it the second time around because she could really appreciate the story and the characters, rather than being primarily overwhelmed by the ~spectacle. In that sense, I think it’s a great musical for people who aren’t into musicals, there’s something in it for everyone.

tl;dr Wicked is still awesome.

In other news! Other good things that happened this week; I lodged my tax return and it looks like I’ll be getting a very attractive sum back, my sleeping pills finally arrived (I’ve been out of them for a month) and I was out like a light as soon as I started taking them again. I LOVE YOU, MEDICATION.

GTY: Day off

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Being productive on my day off tends to be the dumbest idea ever, but there is just so much to be DONE! Yesterday we had the first writers meeting for the Christmas panto, Jack and the Beanstalk, which I think is shaping up to be a good one! Lots of fun and ridiculous ideas.

Last night I caught up with a group of girls I used to work with at Wooldridges for three summers. We haven’t seen each other in months, so it was so nice to do our usual parmagiana and pub quiz combo. My shining moments included correctly identifying a flag as Iran’s, categorising types of wine, and knowing who sings ‘Because I Got High’. Clearly I am a worthy addition to any team with such brilliant knowledge.

We’re not talking about my nightmarish morning shift at work.


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Hellooooo I am sorry I have been neglecting the blog. Apparently, when your boyfriend and best friend move, that is a big helping commitment on your part. However, I managed to make my first successful sourdough loaf yesterday so UM WIN.

And tomorrow we’re going to Ikea, I’m so excited. I love Ikea.

I also bought some boss 3/4 trackies from Cotton On Body last week and I went to buy more today but they didn’t have my size so I went to Peter Alexander and bought a cute day/night top for $19. Yeah I did. Also my hair is cut (again) and I look like Madeline, mi piace.

Speaking of mi piace, TOTALLY GOT AN HD FOR ITALIAN (and psych but lets be honest, after the 100% in the exam I saw that coming). I also got my first C of my degree (theatre, you are dead to me) but I am well pumped for next sem, two psych subjects and Music in Theatre! (and theology but w/e).

Also I’ve watched s1 of Arrested Development, FINALLY. I never finished it, and I always just make  noises like I have watched it so people don’t judge me.


GTTW: Alone time

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I must say, I did enjoy having the house to myself this weekend. I had two uninterrupted epic sleep-ins in a row, the kitchen magically stayed clean after I cleaned it, and there was zero yelling! Something I could definitely get used to, but of course the family had to come home yesterday *SIGHS LOUDLY*. At least they brought back wine, chocolate and other goodies. And an alpaca that looks worryingly just like me.

Nicolas Cage marathon II was EXCELLENT. Face/Off is obviously a work of ART, and Drive Angry was possibly the worst thing I’ve ever seen but we were tricked into thinking it was amazing while we were watching it. We feasted on Nandos and way too much candy, while making endlessly witty commentary and praising the powers that be for bringing Nicolas Cage into this world.

On Saturday night, Gemma and Lana came over for some girly sleepover funtimes. We drank our way through a couple of bottles of wine, had a hilarious/nostalgic viewing of Rent, snarked over Every Little Step (the A Chorus Line revival documentary) and enjoyed late night TV (including two episodes of Baggage – our favourite) way too much. The highlight of the night was when we stumbled upon what is possibly the greatest movie of all time: Liza Minelli circa 1991 leading a ragtag bunch of misfits in a tap dance number for some community talent show, also starring a young Jane Krakowski, Yeta from The Nanny and MOLLY WEASLEY. It was amazing. I think we might have hallucinated the entire thing, it was just too good to be true.

On Sunday I watched X-Men First Class and rather enjoyed it, mainly for the slash, James McAvoy and the nazis, ngl. I also forced my sleepy brain to write something half-decent for my panto scene. I accidently wrote in the character of Gob Bluth, and only realised when I read it back and found myself reading it in Will Arnett’s voice and I was all “Oh… crap.” It does include three sleazy magician pick up lines, so it had a happy ending.

Yesterday was work as per usual, and today has been a super quiet day since it’s Kath’s day off. I’ve spent the afternoon doing paperwork, making phonecalls and going on a WINDEX RAMPAGE. Every surface in the clinic is now sparkling, Jac (the massage therapist on today) giggled when she caught me madly polishing random objects at my desk. Kath and her husband actually popped by to replace our broken answering machine, so we bitched about Harry Potter and plotted to re-record the phone greeting in a robot voice.

Going to do my tax tonight, looks like I’ll be getting a very nice return this year! Going straight to savings for New York though, must not buy iphone.