Monthly Archives: May 2012

GTTF: Oops

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I really suck at committing to things. NO MATTER. ONWARD.

So, absolutely nothing is new. I’m still spending 90% of my days in Avengers party posts. I REGRET NOTHING. And I’m holding out rewatching it until my birthday in two weeks so it’ll be super extra special. Speaking of my birthday, it’s on a Wednesday this year which means I get TWO WEEKENDS to celebrate, that’s how it works right? So I’m planning dinners and outings galore, probably not a good idea to blow all my money before the trip but WHATEVER WHATEVER I DO WHAT I WANT.

Speaking of the trip, I’m getting so exciiited. Which is nice, because I’ve pretty much just been a bundle of stress every time I’ve thought about it for the last few months, but everything is slowly coming together. Our hotel in NYC is the perfect location, we’re a five minute walk from WHOLEFOODS, which I am seriously peeing myself with excitement about. We keep discovering new shows we want to see and stuff we want to do and we’ll be there in FOUR WEEKS and I’m beside myself. Still anxious about a thousand things, but it’s being trumped by all the ridiculous things we get to do.

In other news, Beans’ birthday was a hoot. Photo booth + panto kids is literally the greatest idea ever and I don’t know why we didn’t think of it before. I did spend the majority of the night dressed up as Robot Unicorn Attack and throwing tiny star-shaped meringues into my mouth while yelling DASH. Because of reasons. I also got all dolled up for my friend Erin’s (we danced together back in the day) party on Saturday which was a somewhat different soiree. I hung out with the five people there I actually liked, and accidentally made Gemma and I black russians which were way too strong because we ran out of coke after I’d already poured the alcohol. HONEST MISTAKE. There was a slideshow and I was in it a lot.

Seeing Herb tomorrow, now taking bets on what sort of horrible news he’s going to tell me. I’m thinking something like lupus, because it’s never lupus and therefore it’s lupus.

Here is a gif of Evans and his arms. You’re welcome.

GTT: Melbourne

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Melbourne has been great. Sally and I have been shopping and eating and IT HAS BEEN GLORIOUS.

I’m reading a book of funny stories and poems and it is really good. KNOW WHERE I GOT THAT? Melbourne. KNOW WHERE I ATE GLUTEN FREE IN RESTAURANTS? Melbourne.

Why Perth? Why you in the past?

~ Lois


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What indeed, Bret Michaels. What indeed ‘sa goin on.

All I have been able to talk about lately is uni work and I HATE IT, everything culminated in a big showdown between me and the printer last night where it took me an hour to not even finish printing a 20 page document so I just gave up and spent another two and a half hours doing it today.

I wish I was kidding, guys. Spatial awareness is not my strong point so figuring out how to print front and back eludes me.

Anyway, I got it done and then I went to Officeworks to get it bound after a long debate about whether to do it today or wait until tomorrow and do it at uni. Obviously because its due tomorrow and I am an awfully anxious person I did it today so I know its DONE. Also I’ve been working on my assignment that’s due Thursday and that seems to be going well so its okay, guys, I think we can do this.

I also had a ~revelation~ the other day when I was like “Aw, I wish I knew as much about TV as Nicola”. HEY SPOILERS I COULD IF I BOTHERED READING ABOUT IT. Just like I can’t get upset that I look bad if I was too lazy to put on makeup or wash my hair, and I can’t whine about being unfit if I choose not to exercise.

On that note, I went for a run today and didn’t want to kill myself, can you imagine. Protip interval training means you can run a little bit THEN WALK A LITTLE BIT and your chest doesn’t feel like its about to collapse in on itself if you don’t stop RIGHT. THIS. SECOND.

I also took today off volunteering so that I could finish this assignment, and I forgot how great days off are. You should see how clean my house is, because I had to be in it for an extended period of time. I hope I have two classes on one day next semester so that even with the internship I have a weekday off. Weekends don’t count for some reason. I don’t know. They should, shouldn’t they?

I have an internship interview soon and I hope they say yes so I can get started on this bad boy and then I will have time to do panto next semester and can significantly decrease the amount of time I will spend crying about my life by 70%.

ALSO ENGLAND WOOOOOO I totally keep forgetting and then I think about food that I can eat over there and I am full of joy and happiness. Even if I am missing Peter Panto and Christmas. I think if you tear up thinking about missing Christmas that is not a good sign for surviving Christmas away from your family. I mean look at my Christmas face

 Das sum pure joy right there.

Anyway guys STUFF IS GOOD and it seems to be working itself out with minimal input from me which will probably make me complacent later in life so maybe I should get on that. Actually I worked pretty hard on these assignments and my internship proposal and getting enough energy to get changed and go for a run today. I think I am going to make a cup of tea and finish eating the Royals that Louise left here last week. Biscuits, not people, you fools. TAKE THAT, RUN, IMMA EAT SOME CHOCOLATE.


GTT: Melbourne

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I’m kind of excited.

I have to do uni work right now, which is sucky but they’re my last assignments of the semester SO I WILL PREVAIL.

~ Lois

GTT: Comedy

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The comedy was yesterday, but you don’t own me. I had a lovely time with Nicola last night SHE IS A GREAT DATE YOU GUYS. We had burgers which were like the messiest thing I had ever eaten ever and then we saw two stand-ups perform. The first guy (who we know) was great but weird and his show ended up spilling out onto the street.

Also, his mum was there, which was adorable.

The second stand up was brilliant and I am never not going to see him perform again.

I go to Melbourne next week, which is exciting and I’m pretty much on top of my uni work if I get some shit done tonight, which I most likely shall.


Gif unrelated.

~ Lois

I’m here too

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What the fuck’s up, fuckers?


I fell off the uni wagon pretty much immediately after production week tbh. Doing a lot of hiding from tutors because of late/missing assignments, by not attending tutes, therefore further hacking chunks of numbers off my final marks. It’s all very illogical and miserable. The worst part about being behind and procrastinating HARDCORE on catching up is that I actually like my course this semester and when/if I do get around to doing the assignments, I enjoy them somewhat. OH, ME. I’m getting back on track. Sort of.

Most of my shows are finishing/have finished their seasons, which reduces my Necessary Wasted Time by a lot. Although I still have five Monday shows now. Oop.

The first Perth International Comedy Festival is happening, which is quite exciting. After tonight I’ll have been to five shows, which is pretty cool. Tripod brings endless joy, and Daniel Kitson is a fucking hero. Mt Lawley is a terrible area for parking and traffic, what the hell. Don’t do things there, Perth cultural scene.

Done a couple open mic sets since I last posted. Went fine (y). I should probably go to more than two venues but boooo unfamiliarity. I forgot to ask this one guy this week where he open mic’d in New York because I wanna do that ngl.

How great was The Avengers tho? I literally went just for the butts and the company, and it REALLY DELIVERED ON BUTTS, HOT DAMN. And also on laughs! And SHWEET ACTION SEQUENCES. I was inspired to watch Cap A and Thor. The former was great, the latter is terrible, what the fuck.

Um what else has been in my life. Listening to a bunch of comedy podcasts. I like the ones that are just interviews about comedians’ careers. FASCINATING and MOTIVATIONAL and funny also.

Bought some tea today. French Earl Grey 4eva.

Oh yeah I keep forgetting that Emily and I saw Heston Blumenthal’s show thingy on Tuesday. It was splendid! The man’s not a good public speaker but he is so wonderful you guys I’m just so glad he exists. Also we had an epic dinner beforehand and it was GREAT.

OK COMMUNITY DOWNLOADED. Three episodes today. I will save them. Maybe.

❤ N

GTT: Stupid

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This is a dumb day, but that’s what this is all about so I will PERSEVERE.

The cold I’ve had for like a week has just suddenly decided to attack me with round two out of nowhere WHICH IS JUST GREAT. I probably could have gotten work off today (and maybe I should have), but I’ve powered though the day by thinking about the money. Must… make… money. Same goes for tomorrow, DO YOU HEAR THAT BRAIN. I haven’t had a sick day all year and I will CONTINUE WITH THIS AMAZING STREAK.

So, good things: money, the delicious muesli bar I had for breakfast, Sonia not running very late. Um, I’m alive I guess, which is good. Aaaaaand. Isn’t the universe incredible?

Last night I caught up with some gal pals and we had a wild ol’ time. If you consider Indian food and chatting around the dinner table for 5 hours ‘wild’. And maybe I do.

In other news, I would very much like to cover my whole face in vicks and sleep for days.

GTTAY: Excite

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Yesterday my boss came bursting through the door all excited to freak out with me because she’d just seen The Avengers. So we flailed for a bit and conspired to put together an amazing Avengers themed campaign for the clinic. It was only the two of us in yesterday afternoon so we were giggling at the thought of plastering the walls with posters and everyone coming in the next day being all ‘um, what’. So I came up with some EXCELLENT taglines for our advertising, including “Been encased in ice for a few decades? Don’t put up with a stiff neck, come in for a check up today!” and the real moneymaker, “GOT A THOR BACK?” Ngl, I’m totally tempted to actually do this, how could you refuse such genius publicity techniques, come on now.

Last night I was supposed to go to bed at a reasonable hour, but instead I stayed up ’til 3am in an Avengers party post and 12 hours later, I’m still in the top commenters box. Shame, but also a weird sense of pride.

Today I made a mug cake for breakfast because Gemma and Sam were posting links to recipes on twitter and my brain was like THIS IS AN AWESOME IDEA. Mug cakes are always an awesome idea until you get to the fifth spoonful, and then you’re suddenly hit with intense regret.

So, EXCITING NEWS: Tim Minchin is totally going to play Judas in an arena version of Jesus Christ Superstar. I am beside myself with excitement and am currently having a one man (also, pantsless) JCS party with the Drew Sarich/Serkan Kaya show. Those boys are the best, they cross over into my German-language musicals but they also do a bunch of rock style shows in English and I love them.


Tonight I’m catching up with Sophie who has been in Canada for like a year or some shit, working as a ski instructor. Which she got into right after finishing her post-grad in neuroscience. Livin’ the dream!

GTT: Interview

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I didn’t get the job with WAYTCo, but they said to email them in July and they’ll possibly have an opportunity for me, so that’s positive! I also have an interview lined up for Thursday with another company, which is ego-boosting on a morning of rejection.

All I want to do right now is write. I have almost 40000 words of a story and more plot keeps coming to me IT’S CRAY.


~ Lois


GTT: Monday

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Hey it’s Monday and that’s pretty lame. Spent the majority of my shift fighting the urge to crawl under my desk and nap.

Good things, right. Last night I painted my nails a shiny rose gold and rewatched Sunshine right before bed which was A DUMB PLAN because I forgot how much that movie FREAKED MY SHIT so I was all crapcrapcrapcrap and had to spend a couple of hours in an Avengers party post to calm down.

Um. Todaaaay. I, uh. Got a refill on my melatonin yay!

I just remembered a great story. We were watching Thor, and Odin’s just shown up on a horse to save everyone in Jotunheim, so there’s this dramatic pause and Dad goes “I’m on a horse.” It was amazing the end.

 Here is a gif of Hiddles with a horse for cohesiveness.
Any excuse will do.