Author Archives: Nicola Macri

GTTAY: Minimally productive

Hay cunnies

I’m sick boo but not very, just enough for it to be annoying and at the forefront of my day all the time, and to put me in the sort of woozy haze that compels one to instagram a picture of one’s carpet. A+ to Lois and Emily for picking up the trend. Makes me happy. But despite the sick I still managed to do a whole lot of laundry including changing my bed linen, and even exercised. So there. I also finished Season 2 of Breaking Bad.

Yesterday I cleaned my room and went for a walkjog and watched Breaking Bad and wrote a song to help Emily achieve her dreams. Also Marc Maron tweeted “Do what you can today. Don’t lose it.”, and I liked that.

I gotta sleep now here’s a gif to mix things up.

❤ Nicola

GTT: Oop

Oop forgot to blog yesterday. Yesterday was great! Bagel with guacamole! Frozen yoghurt! Writers meeting for Peter Panto was EXCELLENT, we have a full outline and it MAKES SENSE and TIES TOGETHER and I love it. Considering we started from scratch and had it completed within 2.5 hours, I am very impressed. We also had arguments about portraying Native Americans (we can’t, shouldn’t, and won’t) and the disabled (we will be careful). Ugh being a middle-class white creative person is hard, y’all, so many toes not to step on. (The former sentence was a sarcastic complaint. It is fine being a white creative person, obviously).

Anyway then I came home and I watched SNL! I wanted to capitalise that but it was already capitals. It was great! Three new people, two of them ladies. We didn’t see a lot of them but they seem worthwhile. Jay Pharoah’s doing Obama now which is great for many reasons. Hader is killing it at even higher levels than ever before. I thought Seth MacFarlane did a really good job. People hate him apparently, I don’t really know why, he’s probably said douchey things, but I have respect for him and he was enjoyable. Really game and committed. I love SNL. I fully understand criticism of it- I don’t think anyone would find it consistently funny, but that is a necessity of the format and the process, and there are very talented and hard working and attractive people involved, and they hit regularly. I laughed aloud plenty, and any episode of television that’s gonna have me laughing aloud is a win in my book. Speaking of hilarious television, I then watched four episodes of Season 2 of Breaking Bad.

Today I have a LIST of THINGS to DO, and I intend to do them. Am part way through Breakfast Bad, which is on the list, so that’s okay 😛

❤ Nicola

GTT: boop

Boop boop I am wine drunk drunk on wine today I went to work I kind of did Breakfast Bad but a quickie version work was slow but fine mexican food wine the end.
❤ Nicola

GTT: I Had A Day

I HAD SUCH A DAY TODAY. I did things right kind of.

I woke up at 8 because I am trying not to oversleep, and then I made scrambled eggs and garlic mushrooms and had Breakfast Bad, which is a tradition I started today wherein I watch Breaking Bad and eat breakfast, it is quite abstract. Then I went to work and I WALKED THERE and everything. I even wore proper walking shoes and took a backpack and changed at work. What a champion amirite. I listened to a Comedy Bang Bang with Tig Notaro on the way. And then I worked from 11-5:30 and it was pretty boring mostly. And I walked part of the way home and then Mum picked me up. And then I chatted with the Sex Dwarfves and tried to watch Breaking Bad but everyone was being loud and then we had dinner and now we’re watching the Avengers but I might go watch Louie in my room and go to sleep so I can have Breakfast Bad again tomorrow morning before work at 10 cool story.

Anyway I liked today enough.

❤ Nicola

GTT: The Breaking of the Bads

I made a grilled cheese sandwich it was great.
Mum got my boots re-soled so I don’t gotta clack around in ’em no more.
Dad bought me earbud headphones.
I had strawberries and cream for dessert and I put amaretto in the cream hell yeah.



❤ Nicola

heh I'm watching an SNL sketch from Season 32 where Amy and Wiig are breaking character to try and get host Matthew Fox to continue kissing them and flirting with them it's cute they're great. (As in that’s the point of the sketch they’re not just being jerks)

GTT: Dolla

Hihi. Worked 8-3. Was slow but fine and I am grateful for employment and the hours I get. Got loads of magazines that were going to be thrown out so that’s always exciting. Went grocery shopping after for dinner and also bought some cider I haven’t tried before because it was $10 for four small ones. And when I came home I made the dinner and had the cider and it was good!

Now I’m watching The New Normal, or as I like to call it, 20 Minutes With Andrew Rannells’s Face.

❤ Nicola

GTT: Outside

SO TODAY I slept in and had tea and pavlova and then I went for a walk for just over an hour whilst listening to this week’s This American Life. The weather was nice and I walked on the beach for a bit.

I made dinner so Mum likes me.

That is all that happened.

❤ Nicola


YOU GUYS. OUR TEAM WON THE QUIZ NIGHT. Do you know how much better quiz nights are when you win? IT IS WAY BETTER. It was a pretty great quiz actually, there was a raffle with like a bajllion prizes. Half our group eventually won something but three of them only right at the end when there were only crappy prizes left. Also there was a newspaper costume construction game, and we covered Kira in all the pictures of food we could find in our newspaper. It was very conceptual.

Greatest moment ever was in the music round when the question involved identifying a 2010 album cover. It was this:

Emily and Adam were like “aaaaaargh this is familiar what is itttt” and I was all “Welp, I have no idea.” And then something pinged in my brain and I was all “IS IT KANYE WEST????” and Emily and Adam were like “HOLY SHIT YES IT IS KANYE WEST” and then by their combined powers recalled the title of it. HOW DID I GET THAT, YOU GUYS. I actually don’t think I’ve ever actually seen that cover, but I remembered that Kanye had a ballerina motif going on in 2010, because I recall being in Milan watching when he was on SNL and he had ballerina backup dancers and I watched the performance a few times because it looked cool, and I guess it stuck in my brain. THANKS SNL.

We won a pretty great hamper. Among the raffle prizes was all this great Clinique stuff that Aly and I desperately wanted, but there was some stuff in our hamper too so I ended up with eyeshadow. We went to The Moon to divvy it up- there were two bottles of wine three(?) boxes of chocolate, five Versace perfumes/man-perfumes, two Clinique eyeshadows, a Clinique facial scrub, a makeup bag, a massive bottle of lavender and rosemary lotion, a $20 frozen yoghurt gift voucher and a $30 Rocket Fuel gift voucher. We have planned another get-together on Saturday when we will share the chocolates and wine.

Also Mike was on our team and he had gotten that Disney background photos printed into posters he is amazing now it is framed and on my wall.

❤ Nicola

GTYATDB: When All Is Said And Done

YOU GUUYYYYYYS another Panto down. Everything went relatively fine. No major stuff-ups, but no flaw-free shows either but have we ever done a flaw-free show probably not. I’m really happy with how it went, especially considering our four-week rehearsal time, and how I was feeling about the show this time last week.

As far as this show in comparison with past shows goes, I think S&H and SoM really raised our standard, and this one didn’t raise it any higher, but it met it. WHICH IS FINE. I think it seemed unremarkable to me because it was, in a sense. It met the new standard that we have, which is GREAT, because the standard is HIGH, but it’s gonna take a whole lot to raise it any higher. I think this show probably had a higher laughs-per-minute ratio than others, so it was still super entertaining even though the script was problematic and we didn’t have SoM style musical numbers etc.

Anyway. Party was great. Work the next day was fine. Parties are greatest when you get to talk to lots of people, especially new people, or people you don’t talk to a lot, and I did, so that’s good. The venue was insahn.

Look at this piece of beauty:

❤ (Mike resurrected love with his photo-editing prowess) Nicola


GOD I LOVE PANTO. Second night went off without any terrible incident. A couple more stuff-ups than last night, I think, but all saved relatively well and the audience got the experience we intended to give them so no big deal. The audience was much bigger than last night and more laughy and less talky. A heckle-heavy audience is a mixed blessing, because when the heckles are annoying it’s super annoying, but when they’re responded to well it is even more rewarding than most of the scripted jokes, because IMPROV is IMPRESSIVE. Tonight’s was also more of an applaudience, which I always appreciate.

One thing that’s wonderful about being on crew and sitting in the bio box for most of the show is that you get to see it all, and hear (and even watch) the audience respond to every joke, and even though I was barely on stage in this show I had a hand in a fair number of jokes and bits, so I got to feel that feeling you get when you’ve made a large group of people laugh heartily (and sometimes applaud.) It is only slightly better than the feeling of being surprised and/or impressed and awestruck by the ingenuity and talent of others in the cast when they are particularly on the ball. Actually, as a director I think the feelings are equally good, because I feel kind of motherly toward everyone and when they’re bringing it I’m stoked for them and for what the play is gaining by having them.

Anyway. Sappy.

Today Emily and I went to JPS and ate delicious food and I love her plenty. Or I would, if love existed, which it doesn’t.

❤ Nicola
I mean.